
Thursday 20 March 2014

International Day of Happiness

Hi you.

When I sat down at my laptop this morning I hadn't intended to share something happy with you [not that I planned to share something miserable either ... what do you take me for?] ... in fact I hadn't intended to blog at all. But then ...

... I saw people talking about how today [March 20] is the UN International Day of Happiness ... and my Pollyanna gene took over, calling me to join in!

And so ... with the aid of a scrappy 'bit bag' card I made while away on a very happy crafting weekend with friends earlier this month ... allow me to wish you some 'Happy happiness' today!
[See, I told you I was a Pollyanna ... I actually made this card before I needed something to illustrate International Day of Happiness!]. Anyway ...

Your presence here, reading me, makes me a happy blogger.
Thank you for your time and your company and so, for today ... 
May the sun shine on you, the toast fall butter-side up and that you manage to peel the backing off that double-sided tape on the first try. [Well, there's nothing like a bit of optimism is there?]
Julie x


  1. Great card and a great thing to celebrate. And may your stamp line up perfectly and you have enough 'E' thickers for your title.

  2. Happy day! Great card!
    Good luck!

  3. Happy Happiness day to you too!

  4. Pretty sure we ought to have more than one happiness day a year! Hope yours is super happy.

  5. A very happy Happiness day to you too Julie. Loving the Sunshine yellow on the card.
    C xx

  6. What a glorious colour combination - it makes me happy just to look at it! And all those clever chevron patterns ... I like your wish about the double-sided tape - what a relief to know I am not the only one who has problems with this!

  7. Happy International Happiness Day to you Julie! I love the layering on your lovely card!

  8. I missed this day on the calendar but belated happy wishes to you. a lovely cheery card there and oh yes I wish the DST would peel first time!

  9. I missed this day on the calendar but belated happy wishes to you. a lovely cheery card there and oh yes I wish the DST would peel first time!


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