
Friday 18 April 2014

'Snipped Tales' mixed-media canvas: She Moved Forward

Hi again.

Continuing with my theme this week of getting started, moving again, forward momentum I've got a journey-themed 'Snipped Tale' to share today.

But, unlike the last snipped tale I shared this isn't one of my pared-down words-only stories, this one's carried on a tiny multi-layered and textured mini canvas:
Before adding those central focal words: 
  • I covered the blank canvas base with a mix of old book pages and maps
  • ... then added thin layers of paint, some of it through sequin waste masks
  • and stamped directly on to the edges with an alphabet background stamp.
Then, to prevent the end result from begin too pastel and girly I added some black paint:
... which is important when you're making a gift for a tattooed 18 year old girl who loves rock music!

[And if there's any kind of teenage girl who I could even  begin to try to understand ... it would be one who lived for rock n' roll. Been there, done that, bought the extra-large band T-shirt - because they never came in any other sizes did they???!!]
  •  The focal design is the Large Hot Air Balloon stamp, by Clarity Stamps which I stamped several times on different patterned papers then paper-pieced back together: 
  • And there's also evidence there of texture coming from micro/caviar beads [poured into Glossy Accents] and Shimmerz Texturez paint:
  • The sections of gold and silver scattered around the edges of the canvas are actually Cosmic Shimmer gilding flakes which I just happened to have on my desk at the time and, as I'd spotted them, I thought 'yeah, I'll stick some of that on too!'
Very much a case of 'monkey see monkey do'!

And finally my favourite part ... the words ...
  • these were snipped free from a range of old book pages,
  • then I added them to a section of the canvas which I'd painted white to provide a bright backing for the text.
And, if you've ever heard me talk about my Snipped Tales previously you'll know that I didn't set out to find this exact phrase amongst all the pages. It's more random than that.
  • I just decided, beforehand, that I'd like a nice, positive, uplifting quote ...
  • one that would speak to someone turning 18, applying to universities, working out all those Next Big Steps in life.
And, as they always do ... the words found me.

Then I glued them down ... and passed them on. Forwards. To accompany their new owner on her journey.

Are you inspired to decorate a canvas? To send someone an uplifting message? To snip your own tale?

[Tale I said: T.A.L.E!! If ever it was important I get the spelling correct ...]

And if you need some vintage book pages, I'm your man.

Julie :-)


  1. That is a gorgeous canvas. Hope she loves it x

  2. Love it, and I enjoyed reading how you went about it which is unusual for me. I tend to look at a picture for inspiration and more often than not skip the description.

  3. It's beautiful! And it seems just right, right now. Happy Easter x

  4. This is gorgeous. I love all the texture in it.

  5. What a lovely gift. Interesting to read your process.

  6. What a lovely gift Julie x
    I'm loving all the texture, makes me what to pick it up & study it quietly x

  7. Gorgeous. Love your little story and all that gorgeous texture. What a wonderful present.

  8. Isn't this so fresh and inspiring? You've made a lovely thing here .. who could NOT be inspired :). I must give some thought (or better still, action) to trying some of your techniques. I might be better off living my tail/tale instead of chasing it!

  9. This is splendid - what a delight to look at.

  10. More art time is definitely on my agenda in the next few months.
    I love your canvas, especially all the texture.

  11. That's a lovely canvas Julie... and all the layering and effects. What a lucky young lady to receive this.


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