
Wednesday 21 May 2014

Zoom In Zoom Out: Sculpture? Remote control car? Small robot?

Hi again.

It's a three-blog-post week so far here. You'll be sick of the sight of me soon.

On Sunday, to mark mine and James's not-a-wedding-anniversary-because-we-haven't-had-a-wedding-but-it's-still-an-anniversary anniversary [clearly he hasn't got sick of the sight of me just yet] we took ourselves off to one of our favourite places: the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

And, while we were there, I spotted the following sight ... which I just knew would make a fun contribution to Helena's 'Zoom In Zoom Out' [or ZIZO for short] photo-sharing meme.

So here it is ...

Zooming In ...
 What do you reckon it is then?  Looks pretty much like a remote control toy car doesn't it? And yet ...

... if I just move the dial around a bit ...

Zooming Out ...
... you'll see that actually ... it's a robotic lawn mower cutting the grass on the roof of the park's 'Underground Gallery'! Of course it is!

Can you make it out? In the centre of the photo? It made its way backwards and forwards, all day, without once dropping off the edge!

BTW: the Underground Gallery and various other outdoor locations around the park are currently home to a simply fabulous exhibition of work by Ursula von Rydingsvard.

Those of you who've been taking an interest in the 2014 Chelsea Flower Show this week might recognise her work as one of her wooden sculptures features in the Laurent-Perrier garden designed by Luciano Giubbilei which just won 'Best in Show'.

But back to the sculpture park ...

Zooming Out - even further ...
If we just step back and zoom out a little further you'll see James looking out from the open first floor window in the main entrance building from which I took the photos:
It was absolutely the perfect weather for wandering around, lazily ... and probably the kind of weather in which you'd prefer to have a robot doing the lawn-mowing work for you!
And finally ...
From another angle ...
See the robot mower on the left? OK ... now glance across to the bottom right hand side ... and what's that just a few metres away from the ultra high-tech grass-cutting machine? That'll be the old school version ... 3 grazing rabbits!
So ... do you think that fabulous juxtaposition is just a coincidence? Or is it actually a modern art installation commenting on 'the way we live now'?? Who knows? ....

For more ZIZO photos stop by the links hosted on Helena's post today.

See you ... soon ... ish ... maybe not tomorrow though ... I'll give you a break from me for at least 24 hours. Probably.

Julie :-)


  1. husband would want that!! And I think I would like playing with it too!
    Thanks for the links to the artist and the Chelsea flower show designer!!

    1. Hi Marsha ... I've just worked out how to turn on how to leave 'replies' to my blog comments so am just testing it out on you! I hope you don't mind being my guinea pig! :-)

      p.s: I'm glad you liked the links.

    2. Notes On Paper: Zoom In Zoom Out: Sculpture? Remote Control Car? Small Robot? >>>>> Download Now

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      Notes On Paper: Zoom In Zoom Out: Sculpture? Remote Control Car? Small Robot? >>>>> Download LINK

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      Notes On Paper: Zoom In Zoom Out: Sculpture? Remote Control Car? Small Robot? >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK JJ

  2. Is there a "replies" option? That would be good - yours just looks like the next comment!

    I've still not yet been to the YSP ... it's on my list since you mentioned it a few years ago though!

    1. Well .. on my screen it says 'Reply' ... so I'll just hope this does what it says on the tin! :-)

  3. would have never guessed that one. love the bunnies doing their share of the work. :)

  4. Oh Yes, the perfect gift for husbands birthday although I might prefer the rabbits. Brilliant ZIZO

  5. Nope, definitely not tired of you :). Beautifully spotted ... Love the juxtaposition ( as they might say in the arty catalogue) of the robotic and mammalian worlds. I went to the YSP a few years ago and loved it - thank you for the info on the current exhibition. Very imaginative ZIZO!

  6. It's like one of those robotic vacuum cleaners! I've always wondered how good they were..

    1. When we were sat watching it from a distance I wondered if it was actually doing any good [all looks to smooth to be actually cutting] - but then, when I looked at the 'zoomed in' shot I realised you can see the line of where it's been and the difference in the height of the grass. So I guess it must work!

  7. photo bombing rabbits or ironic sculpture ? love how your mind works. The sculpture park is on my 'must visit list' and now I'll look out for robotic mowers too

  8. That's a first! We have a robotic vacuum cleaner that my husband adores, but I've never seen a robotic lawn mower. He might like that better.

  9. I like the idea of a robotic lawn mower and rabbits being an ironic juxtapositioning. Cool ZIZO.

  10. Love this,shame I don't have any grass! but I do live quite close to the YSP so might just pop along to watch it in action!

  11. Oh is that ever neat! It looks like a great place to visit. As for the old school version, we have some of those around here. The trouble is they eat the new shoots of grass whenever we seed. :)

  12. Notes On Paper: Zoom In Zoom Out: Sculpture? Remote Control Car? Small Robot? >>>>> Download Now

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    Notes On Paper: Zoom In Zoom Out: Sculpture? Remote Control Car? Small Robot? >>>>> Download LINK

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    Notes On Paper: Zoom In Zoom Out: Sculpture? Remote Control Car? Small Robot? >>>>> Download Full

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