
Friday 27 June 2014

Extra Padding: Top tip to trick yourself into getting a blog post written [try saying that fast!]

Hi hi.

I was just sitting here creating a pile of new draft blog posts when I thought I'd make the most of it ... and use it to re-cap on one of the easiest to follow tips to get you motivated to get a blog post written from my Push-Up Bra Approach to Blogging series. [The series is still all here. and it's still free!]

I've found that - in following this regime - whenever I do get a clear space in which to settle down and write a post ... it really does help me make that all important start. So let me first just reiterate the advice ... and then I'll try to convince why it's so useful! OK? OK ...


There. That's it really. But I guess I should expand a bit on that. Pad it out as it were. OK then:

Create a draft post >> give it a title >> fill out the 'labels' or 'tags' section >> save the post >> close the post ...

... and repeat.

Now then ... this method is really best suited to those posts you know in advance you're going to be blogging in future. So I'm really just talking to those of you who already do - or plan to start - joining in with a regular meme or challenge or where you've created your own recurring feature where you regularly name and label your posts in a similar manner.

Alternatively it works equally well if you give your posts headings depending upon their topic [eg: I often call my posts about art journaling ... appropriately enough 'Art Journaling: ...' and then I add a more specific subtitle afterwards related to the actual item I'm sharing].

Today I've been creating drafts for future Month in Numbers posts and for the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt [hosted by Rinda at Gallo Organico] which I'm planning to join in with for the 3rd time this summer:
If you want to learn more about what introducing an element of repetition can do for your blogging then do settle in to read through these chapters from the Push-Up Bra series:
They really do offer up a wealth of ideas and advice alongside many real-life [real-blog!] examples.

Similarly the Push-Up Bra Blogging: Extra Resources Pinterest board holds links to lots of memes and things you can join in with.

Now ... before you gallop in telling me that you prefer to blog spontaneously and therefore this won't work for you ... let me stop you right there cowboy ...
I know that creating content in advance isn't for everyone. In fact I wrote more about making spontaneity work for your blog in this post last month. So I hear you!
But this isn't about creating content in advance. It's about tricking your brain into thinking you've already made a start ...
Let me explain ...
  • When you sit down to open, title, label and save all those posts ... you don't need to add in any content then and there.
  • You just save the posts and go on your merry way.
  • You can, by all means, add in a little content if you're inspired - but you don't have to.
  • But if you're more one of the right-here right-now blogging minds then you only really need to add in the content right before you plan to publish the post. [It's best if you do add something, at some point ... because if you just publish lots of empty posts people will talk ...] ;-) 
So why bother creating the posts in advance?
  • Because ... next time you think to yourself 'Oh, it's been ages since I blogged' or 'Ach, it's time I joined in with ...' or 'I must write that post up' ...
  • Even if you're not quite feeling it [and I wrote lots on when not to blog in Chapter 9: The Kenny Rogers Approach: or 'you gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em etc'] ... even when you're not feeling in the blogging mood ...
  • ... when you open your dashboard and see the post already there, with a title and everything, just waiting for you ... you're more likely to open it up and make a start. 
The draft post has broken the ice.

It tricks you into thinking that, as you've already begun, there's not much more to do.

It doesn't feel like such a blank sheet of paper to fill.

In your head ... you've already worked on it ... you might as well just tinker with it and hit publish.

You know it's an empty post. I know it's an empty post. But your brain will appreciate the trick and happily go along with it feeling positive about getting that post written after all.

Well ... mine does at least. Give it a try and see if yours appreciates your efforts too!


If you already do this or you give it a go in the months ahead... then do join in the conversation about drafting in advance.

I'm interested to hear your experiences and thoughts so let me know in a comment here or over on my Facebook page.

See you soon.

Julie :-)


  1. Do you know what, Julie? As soon as I have the pizza in the oven I am going to do just as you suggest and title a bunch of posts. Simple really, but drafting ahead of time is not something I ever do.

  2. Clicked over from the Bloglovin' feed to read your post! I use this same concept for repeating themes I present each month, or once in a while, and it does help to break the ice and get me rolling to get another blog post written and LIVE. So good to read your method!

  3. Hello! Found you by way of a Twitter recommendation and I love the book projects you are sharing here! I can see that I'll need to add you to my Bloglovin/Twitter feeds to keep track of your creative doings =-) BTW: I've used blog drafts for a long time but didn't think of doing this for my 600th blog post. I'm sure if I had, it wouldn't have taken me over a month to return to my blog!! =\


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.