
Sunday 20 July 2014

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2014: the Airshow edition

Following on from my Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt / Zoom in-Zoom Out post last week, in which I captured a bear at an air show ...

... here are a few more items I collected with the sounds of plane engines ringing in my ears:

No.16: A sign in a language other than English
 This emergency information, found stencilled on the side of an Italian plane, handily came with its own translation:
Back in 2012 one of the categories on the hunt was 'Someone playing a musical instrument' and I photographed the bagpipers from the Scottish marching band that often livens up the air show. So, when the 2014 list included 'A parade', I thought that, if all else failed I could rely on the pipers once again. But I didn't need to as I came across ...
No.14: A parade:
Air cadets 'on parade'!

Next I found there horned hats on sale in one of the many market tents at the show. And while I'm not entirely sure what they are for ... I do know they're not exactly flying helmets ...

No.11: A horn
For a start you wouldn't get the cockpit closed ...

And lastly ...

No.20: A bus (not a car, truck, lorry, camper or RV) with a picture painted on its sides
One side of the air show provides a - vintage - bus service to ferry people to and from the car parks and when I spotted this one ... I knew it was going straight on my list:
Right then ... I don't know if that heraldic crest will actually count as a 'picture' painted on the sides but ...

... I'll take a juvenile smirk at the wording on the sign over Scavenger Hunt list accuracy any day ...



For more details on the scavenger hunt visit Rinda's blog and I'll see you around soon.



  1. love those hats - the airshow is clearly a great source of fun images

  2. Oh My I want one of those hats! Great photos Julie, it wouldn't be summer without your airshow posts.
    Claire xx

  3. A nice collection. I think horn has the most variations of any of the items on the list.

  4. I'm loving your scavenger hunt posts Julie. You always notice the most interesting things.

  5. Some more great finds Julie. I have hats like those for a horn find - fun aren't they!

  6. another one who loves the hats!

  7. Hi Julie...first of all a big thank you for the lovely postcard which was waiting for me when we arrived home last night. Thank you! I've been reading backwards and enjoyng your scavenger finds. That soap sculpture is really something. Of course, I'm sniggering at the bus too...

  8. I always enjoy your airshow photos and look forward to them! This is a lovely clutch - that bus is brilliant. My lips twitched (but don't tell anyone).


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