
Monday 15 September 2014

Card making: Relaxing with scraps and leftovers

Hi hi.

I've just launched my first ever pop-up market stall on my 'With Julie Kirk' Facebook page this morning. So if there's anyone on your list - and that includes yourself - who you think would like a new crafty kit, vintage apron, brooch, or maybe some vintage haberdashery - then do head over there to kick-start your Christmas shopping!  As for me ... well ...

... while I await the outcome of the sale and prepare myself to pack all the parcels like the good Christmas Elf I am  ... [although I bet Santa's helpers don't have to send out Paypal invoices and plot orders on a spread-sheet!] ... I thought I'd do something calming, like sharing a nice and relaxed card I made from scraps and leftovers: 
Because when it comes to please-don't-make-me-use-my-brain-I'd-rather-not-have-to-choose-any-supplies-or-think-too-hard-about-what-I'm-making style crafting then you simply can't working with the contents of your scrap bag! Which is what I did here.

The base is simply a few strips of patterned paper, including the inside of a security envelope [the red + white herringbone]from which I'd punched out a few circles at some point .. and then eventually used up the surround!

The simple colour scheme was inspired by the floral chipboard shape I used as a focal point, mounted on to a scalloped circle, and my embellishments, a few buttons and bows helped pull it all together
It's one of those easy breezy for-no-particular-reason cards that I simply keep in a box on my shelf ... just in case. And those are often my favourites. 'Bits' are best!
Maybe I'll see you over at the market stall today [or tomorrow, or Wednesday even!], but if not, I'll see you back here soon.


  1. I could send you an elf hat.. I had to wear one once. Or I could make lots of jokes about finding your inner elf.. Wishing you lots of sales :)

  2. A girl of my own heart, I love scraps and get more excited and inspired by these than sheets of paper. I hope your pop up market goes well, it sounds so exciting. Wishing you a band of helpful elves to help pack and post :) x

  3. I am late getting here but hope that the sales was positive and fruitful for you, Julie. I doubt very much that any bag of scraps I have could produce a card like this because I completely lack your eye for choosing and placing!


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