
Tuesday 2 September 2014

It's a Sign: Maybe s/he's just big-boned

Hi again.

If you saw my August 2014 Month in Numbers post you'll have seen some photos of the livestock I encountered at the Egton country show. But, while the animals, local colour and scenery were all worth photographing ... me being me ... I was on the look out, as always, for something to make me laugh.

And I found it in the shape of this sign attached to one of the tents:
Everyone's a critic eh?  I don't know about you but I wouldn't want my body-type mentioned on my office door sign.

['Little squidgy-bellied blogger' would just feel harsh ...].

And, it's like my sister said: maybe they secretary is just big-boned?



  1. We have an album of signs that made us laugh. Like the one that used to be on the road to Portishead that said "Danger, low-flying Owls" or the one in Polperro that said "Parking for Italiens only".

    1. Spotting and photographing a funny sign is one of my favourite parts of a holiday / day trip - I love the thought of having them all in an album!

  2. Actually, since I showed cattle, and sheep in 4-H and FFA, I'm pretty sure it's the secretary for the heavy livestock like cattle, sheep and pigs, rather than the size of the secretary. We had to weigh our cattle and sheep in Feb, and have them identified and then the livestock is reweighed and identification is rechecked at the fair,

    1. Thanks for the insider info Kris. As a language lover I just I like to find the double, unintended, meaning in some signs - males me smile :-)

  3. Had a good chuckle at your 'squiggly-bellied blogger' line :)

  4. Speaking as a secretary, I'm a little concerned as to how they may describe me in the office!

  5. Smiling broadly here! Good to know she's alive at least. I've seen some who were (bloggers' company excepted) half-dead ...

  6. I so love your sense of humour! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. The sign made me think of a large cow with cat-eyed glasses and a string of red beads sitting at her desk, very far-side a la Gary Larson.


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