
Friday 3 July 2015

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2015: Haven't I seen that outfit somewhere before?

Hi again.

I'm back to cross off  another category from the 2015 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt created by Rinda from Gallo Organico and this one was always going to grab my interest [you know how I love clothes!].

17. At least two people wearing matching outfits or uniforms
Last month, right before the Middlesbrough Mela Festival got underway [which I mentioned earlier here in my first scavenger hunt post last week] James and I climbed up to the second floor of the MIMA gallery and went out onto the deck to get a good vantage point of the preparations.

From there we spotted these tall, strange characters - all in matching outfits - being photographed by the press:
They were bird-like wearing beak masks and with huge wings which they duly demonstrated for the cameras.  And they also had a look of those figures you see in Venetian festivals ... with a hint of 'elaborate choirboy'!
Oh and, as you might have noticed, they were led by a large rooster-ish chap, naturally! But he wasn't wearing the same outfit:  
I was fascinated by how whoever was in there was managing to walk on those legs and feet which were quite clearly way out of alignment with their centre of gravity! As someone who can fall over just by standing up from the sofa ... I had great respect watching him.her get around so effortlessly!

And the idea of balance takes us nicely to my SECOND attempt at the same category ...

17 [again]. At least two people wearing matching outfits or uniforms
It was a sunny, still, and almost silent morning in June and I was working at my desk with the window open when I could suddenly hear voices. 

When I looked out I could see a child, around 9 or 10 slowly cycling by ...
Followed close behind by another ...
... and another ... and with so many of them all wearing the same High-vis vest ... I decided to reach for my camera to capture them for the hunt. 

Which was actually pretty tricky. 

The first shot I grabbed was as the last one was turning the corner ... therefore the photo didn't have the necessary 'at least two people' in it!! So I thought I'd missed out ... until ... 
... until I realised that the road they'd taken was a dead end and that... possibly, at some point, they'd have to turn around and maybe, just maybe come back the way they came. 

I'm guessing they were part of something like the Bikeability scheme [the fancy 21st Century version of 'cycling proficiency'] as they were all very well behaved, very orderly, and clearly being shouted direction from the adult at the back. 

What a nice way to have spent a sunny school day morning. I wouldn't have minded doing that when I was at school [although, that said, if it had been during secondary school I might well have taken the opportunity to just keep cycling and get as far away from everyone as possible! ;-) ]

And then there they were, back again for another lap, and another, where I managed to grab these shots from my window: 
 So there you have it my No. 17s. My 'At least two people wearing matching outfits or uniforms'. My strange collection of school children in neon yellow and people wandering about on stilts.

Practically what summer's all about then! 

If you want to join in the hunt too then you can! Share your photos via your blog, on Instagram with the hashtag  #‎rindas2015photohunt or join the Facebook group and make sure to visit Rinda's blog to catch her regular round-ups and link posts.

And I'll see you soon with more photos. 



  1. Excellent stuff! I'm getting edgy about my list now. I always save it up to take away with me and around this time I always feel like I need to get a move on...

  2. Love those odd, cape-wearing stilt walking folks. They definitely remind me of Venetian festival-goers!
    Thanks for playing along and do pop by the June linky when you get a chance.

  3. Haha! Those bird-like creatures just crack me up! You certainly do see some crazy sights! :)

  4. Haha! Those bird-like creatures just crack me up! You certainly do see some crazy sights! :)

  5. Brilliant! I love that shot of your beaky friend with his spindly legs.

  6. What bizarre outfits! Did you find out what they were for in the end?


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