
Wednesday 25 May 2016

Notes from the Spam Folder, 2: The Elementary Edition

Are you still here? Even after my last post

The first of my spam folder posts the other week was surrounded by an echo of well, does tumbleweed even make an echo? A few people have now commented but for an unnerving while there it was just me, shouting innuendo into the void, wondering - not for the first time - if following my gut and writing about what makes me laugh was a bad idea. 

And, really, it wouldn't be the first time I've felt like that. 

Remember when I went to that writing day and daren't read out anything I'd written because I couldn't be sure people would appreciate it? Yeah, well, the same goes for publishing that blog post. All of which goes to explain why twice this month I've floundered for an answer after being asked, by different people: "So what kind of writing do you do?" 

I'm going to have to work on a nice neat over-arching response to that question because it seriously needs to be something better than [a] how I'm currently replying and [b] the truth:
  • [a] how I'm currently replying - "Oh, erm, well, kind of just ... stories. From my life. About things that happen to me day to day. Like ... erm ... funny stuff." [When I'm in that situation I find it impossible to convince myself that it's funny let alone the person asking who is no doubt  highly sceptical of the comedic prowess of the bumbling idiot in front of them]. 
  • and [b] the truth - because if I simply told the unfiltered truth about the recent things I've written then the conversation would go something like "What do I write about? Oh, you know, about a lesson I learned from a trout I wasn't expecting, and a description of some rude spam messages I'd saved and erm ...well, a true-story about periods. No, please, it's OK, there's no need to smile and nod like that while backing away carefully and looking for the nearest exit out the corner of your eye ... please, come back ..."
In short: I need a branding overhaul, a smart tagline, a confident elevator pitch, because the thing is, I'm not actually planning to change what I write about ... so I'm just going to have to get better at packaging it. 

Which brings me to today's nonsense [clearly I haven't worked on a professional description for it just yet ...] 

When I used to get lots of spam mail [alas, those days are gone] after the risque ones the names guaranteed to stand out amid the sea of spam were the familiar ones.  And, where there any two names I'd be more likely to fall for than this pair
[BTW: I have my own responses to Watson's subject line: "These words make chicks horny" such as ... "I've cleaned the fridge." feel free to contribute your own ...] 

So yes, there was actually a period of time where my spam folder was frequently visited by the world's only consulting detective and his friend - for those of you who read my previous post you'll already have seen the man himself lurking there amongst the Bushes: 
[There's got to be a joke in there somewhere about a 'Sherlock in the hand' being worth more than ... something or other. Right?] 

Then maybe when the spammers didn't get any response from me with their 'Calvin' Sherlock they decided to go a bit posher:

Which didn't work either. Neither did a Biblical Sherlock:
But here's where they almost had me because, honestly, what could possibly be better than an an already impressive regular Sherlock? Well how about a rich one?

But if you still don't fancy that, how about an Italian version or two?
I even got a bonus message from an Elvis with this one and how did they know that - as a huge fan of The Good Wife [and if you're not, you ought to be] - a message from a certain Will Gardener would be bound to grab my attention?

Then, underneath the Hardman [!] we find yet another Watson with perhaps the title of one of the Sherlock Holmes cases that got away ...

While this next one is a good attempt at guessing the good Doctor's middle name:
But they're not quite near enough are they?

For those who haven't seen Season 2 Ep1 of Sherlock quite as often as I have: "It's Hamish. John Hamish Watson. Just, if you were ... looking for baby names." ... you can see what I mean here.

And yes, apparently my geekery knows no end. Unlike this post.

If all this has now whetted your Conan-Doylian appetite I'll leave be so you can visit more Cumber-Sherlock clips on YouTube ... or Jonny Lee Miller in Elementary for that matter. Either/or and you're in for a good afternoon. Or spoil yourself. Do both.

Unless you're more of a Basil Rathbone girl?

In which case: each to her own.

Julie x

p.s: when I'm not here - which is a lot of the time these days - you can find me sharing my usual oddities of daily life over at @withjuliekirk on Instagram. If you're there to, do come and say hi. 

Recent  posts over there have featured Hodor in a lift, a slightly double-chinned-selfie, a musing on stand-up comedy, and a library book with a, well, let's call it an 'attention seeking' title. You'll know the one I mean when you see it.


  1. J,

    I think these recent posts of yours are some of your best writing (your own intuition is telling you that, too).

    Had to chuckle at this one!

    I love that the 'These words make chicks horny' is followed by 'Natural way to pleasure!' in the next image ;)

    So much to enjoy! Luciano Sherlock!! And Basil Rathbone (S has just discovered him so we've been watching quite a bit of him...S is on quite the Conan Doyle ride at the moment, having devoured a Scholastic Hound of the Baskervilles he won at school). And please don't ever pitt Cumber and Rathbone against each other's like asking whether you'd choose Chris or Liam in an imaginary you-know-what...obviously you'd **have** to have both, brothers willing and all that ;)

    So much to love in this post.

    It's definitely time to follow that intuition....


    P.S. My 'man who knows how to get these things' tells me he's located Jonny Lee Miller's Elementary...does that qualify as an answer to Watson's subject line......??? Or is that just too "Eeeewww!!!!".....

    P.P.S. Did I tell you I went to see Stoppard's 'The Hard Problem' at the cinema the other week? As I was watching, aside from 'How bloody annoying is the main actresses over-acting?' (the play is definitely *not* Nicholas Hytner's - or Stoppard's - finest hour, unfortunately), I was thinking 'it's the same kind of witty back and forth as J does in her blog posts'....

    ......***just saying***...

  2. You know how certain websites add adverts for you to see based on your browsing history - I wonder if he same is true for spam mail and that old Cumberbatch obsession is responsible for some of these? :-)
    I think it's good when your writing doesn't fit into a conventional genre. Too many romantic fiction writers or biographers out there! My son is trying hard to be a published author- when people ask me what kind of style he has, I tell them honestly - unusual/weird/quirky!

  3. Just wanting to reassure you that I'm still here as a blog reader (and trying to remember to follow you on Instagram). I loved your earlier post on spam, and this second one is almost as funny. Keep working on your elevator pitch - I'm sure you'll figure out some way to dress up the truth so as to prevent the backing away syndrome!

  4. I love your writing & appreciate there not being a theme to your stuff. As for your elevator pitch - how about " I like to think of myself more as an artist than a blogger - that way I can write about whatever inspires me" ,- I mean to use this line you may also need to wear some kind of hat/ carry an oversized cigar, but actually it's the truth..... Also it gives you the opportunity to add the extra line " you could be my muse" anytime you want to add a layer of weirdness to the conversation

  5. I love your writing & appreciate there not being a theme to your stuff. As for your elevator pitch - how about " I like to think of myself more as an artist than a blogger - that way I can write about whatever inspires me" ,- I mean to use this line you may also need to wear some kind of hat/ carry an oversized cigar, but actually it's the truth..... Also it gives you the opportunity to add the extra line " you could be my muse" anytime you want to add a layer of weirdness to the conversation


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