
Tuesday 3 February 2009

A bag for every occasion.

This is my latest project using parts of my Gauche Alchemy Acme kit.

It's a year-long project inwhich I aim to photograph one outfit I wear each week and add it to the album. As it will be an ongoing project I need an attractive way to store it and all the materials I'm going to use on it, so I've made myself a matching bag [I told you I liked clothes ... and bags].

The hessian bag I'm using started life as a give-away I received while attending a lecture commemorating 10 years of the fancy library on campus at work [yes, that really is how I spend my free time!]:

Taking all of the fabrics which came with my Acme kit I hand-stitched lots of rosettes to cover up the printed design on the bag. The idea of flowery-ness [as I don't usually use flowers on my craft projects] was partly inspired by this very pretty project from my talented cropping companion Hannah Milburn which featured on the Banana Frog blog, and partly influenced by another highly bloom-y layout I made with the Acme kit [which you can see here].

I fixed the rosettes to the bag using my newest-most-favouritest product: Crafter's Pick
'Incredibly Tacky' glue. I'm not even being paid to say this, but it's amazingly good, it dries clear, it held everything perfectly in is, in fact, incredibly tacky - who'd've thunk it?

Once I had everything glued into position I added loops of matching [and clashing] ribbons to the rosettes. Finally I cracked open my button & bead boxes [yes, they are all colour co-ordinated, you'd expect nothing less surely?] and sewed one into the centre of each fabric flower.
And here's the finished result ... ... complete with all it's contents safely tucked inside: I think it's an improvement on storing it all in one of my plastic boxes and at least this way, it won't look too out of place if I leave it lying around the house. Better still it's going to keep all my bits and bobs in one place, within easy reach, meaning I'll have no excuse for not keeping my 52 weeks of fashion album up-to-date ... famous last words eh?


  1. I love the explosion of colours this would also make a lovely gift ,say for Mother's Day perhaps. love your work.
    signed ...MAM

  2. 'k, this isn't playing fair, is it? Something which is ingenious, pretty and organised? I may have to insist you come and do the same to my entire life.


  3. WOW! this absoloutely ROCKS! Lved your page SI this month too!

  4. So purrrty love it :)
    Love all your buttons too, mine are not organized but all stuffed in a chocolate tin and a sweetie jar. lol

  5. Julie, this is just amazing!! Love it! Thanks for the great ideas you inspired me with! =)


  6. Oh!What is this!! I have never seen a thing like this!! This is soooo magnificent!! I am so impressed!!

  7. seriously girl...this is BRILLS!! i love all the colors, the bag, the album idea...everything.
    YOU RAWK!!
    thanks for sharing.

  8. Your bag is stunning. I used to do projects like that back in the day - you've inspired me to have a go again :)


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