
Sunday 8 February 2009

Round Here.

Firstly I'd like to say thank you for the compliments you've been bestowing on the bag I showed you in my previous post, everyone likes to think that their efforts with glue and scissors are appreciated from time to time - so thank you for telling me so. Now it's my turn.

The rosettes I made were totally inspired by the beautifully funky handmade rosettes which
Leo from Crafty Templates makes and includes in her super cool Quirky Scrapbooking Kits. I think I've mentioned before how I love round, circular, circley type, round designs and embellishments haven't I? So imagine my delight at getting little parcels in the post which include Leo's fab circular creations!
Below are some examples of the projects I've made using the Quirky Kits and the rosettes.

This felt and patterned paper embellishment was part of the Quirky Kit
'Christmas Journal'[which is still available you lucky things - I dare you to get a head start on your Daily December 2009 project!!]:
This red & white delight is part of the 'Somewhere in Wonderland' kit:
As is this black & white polka dot darling [I can never ever get enough polka dots ...ever!]:
And this 'deer' little thing was from the first Quirky Kit - the 'Natureific' kit.

I'm not allowed to tell you about how I got the cutest new kit delivered this week, which includes an utterly sweet and lovely fabric rosette [in polka dot fabric no less!!] which has a little something special in its centre. Nope. I can't tell you about any of that as it's for a special, highly top-secret kit which isn't out for a few weeks.

So, by all means go and bestow your love of the fabric rosette on to Leo but if she asks why you're all suddenly interested ... you didn't hear it from me. OK? ;)


  1. Ooh, loving the LOs and that top secret kit sounds ace....

  2. ... something radiates! :D Gorgeous work - love your Christmas journal. x

  3. ...they're calling out your name (thought I would continue with the guess the lyrics theme! ;D) Love the projects, especially the 6x12, I love this sort of 'me' layout at the mo too xxx

  4. Hi there Julie, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I peeked at yours and MAN, those rosettes!!! I have a lo in mind where I can totally use just that! Your LO's rock! Thanks for sharing!Love, Marit


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