
Sunday 30 May 2010

Blog hop: Birthday layout

Please note - the giveaway has now ended and I used a random number generator to select my winner - who will be announced on the BF blog soon. Many thanks for taking part :)

Hi, hi, hi.

If I'm a stop on your hop between the blogs of the Banana Frog Design Team today then 'hello' / 'hello again' / 'welcome' / 'nice to see you'.

The same greetings apply even if you're not partaking in the hop. I like it when you drop by too.

This month, to celebrate Banana Frog's 4th birthday Bev is offering a set of stamps of your choice as a giveaway on my blog ... and on every other stop of the hop too. The winners will be selected at random from the comments on each blog and will be announced on the Frog blog next week [I'll try and mention it here too!].

Appropriately enough, the theme of this month's hop is 'Birthdays' and along with Banana Frog someone in our house had a birthday too [if you hopped by
here last month you might just recognise the style of the moustache card I made for him below]:

So, with a birthday theme to follow, it was pretty obvious who I should base my project on:

It's a very restrained layout for me using only two main patterned papers and neutral ones at that!

I kept my title clean and simple too, stamped in 'Smokey Grey' Versafine the 'Happy Birthday' is in Banana Frog's 'Pharmacy' font, while 'blue eyes' is in 'Teen (Tiny - Full set)' :
The 'Teen (Tiny - Full set)' also has the days of the week stamps in it, one of which I used here on top of an old ticket from a Alter That ephemera kit:That ticket, along with the tiny strip of Basic Grey at the bottom are there to add a tiny touch of grey/blue to .... please don't make me say 'to bring out the blue in his eyes' ... it's too soppy for me ... but I do like to match colours! To create the raised dots at the bottom of the page I dipped the end of a paintbrush into a pot of Shimmerz Pearlz in 'Grey Flannel' [from 3dJean] and dabbed it carefully on to the paper. I then added a few blobs of Glossy Accents .... and, convinced that I'd end up smudging and ruining it, I put it well out of harm's [and my impatient fingers'] reach until it dried!
Thanks for hopping by today, don't forget to leave a comment if:

  • [a] you want to be in with a chance of winning a set of Banana Frog stamps;
  • [b] you don't mind about winning anything you just want to leave James a compliment about his eyes [he will get big-headed though ... so please word your comment carefully or he'll be impossible to live with!] ;)... or
  • [c] you have something you're just bursting to tell me although I can't promise to keep it to myself. I've used up all my will-power this month in not revealing to James how Lost ended after I got up to watch the finale at 5am on Monday while he didn't see it until 9pm on Tuesday. I was a paragon of restraint!

After leaving your comment, then don't forget to hop on to Kirsty Wiseman's blog for the next birthday themed project.

But before you do, I'll leave you with a few of James's birthday gifts and the homemade wrapping paper which I spray-inked in the garden causing nextdoor's dog's nose to go into sniffing overdrive! [To see more of the album just peeking out then have a look here]

Have a great Sunday and I'll see you tomorrow when I'll be rounding up my May in numbers are we almost halfway through the year already??? How?

J :)

E.T.A: Thanks for your lovely comments - a few people have asked to scraplift this and that's absolutely fine by me! Do let me know when you do, it'd be great to see your versions of it :)


  1. Lovely LO! Really love grey tones at the moment (and the stamps are great too!!) ;)

  2. I'm coveting grey ink at the moment, sad but true. Great LO and that was some restraint not to blab the ending to Lost lol.

  3. I love this layout, its so simple but says everything.

  4. what a stunning layout! Truly elegant.

  5. Love the restrained layout and I love the tones you used

  6. I love the colours - all the greys. Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway.

  7. lovely lo and im loving the greys to. Thanks for a fab giveaway. xx

  8. Loving the less is more approach to this page - I can feel a scraplift coming on if that is OK?

  9. I love the simplicity of your LO but it's the colour, shades of grey and blue that are stunning, yes gorgeous eyes help!!X

  10. I love this, so simple and stylish x

  11. Wow, I adore that layout! I love the colour combo and soft cleanness of it! LOL and James does have very nice blue eyes ;)

  12. I love this clear and simple layout! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Fantastic projects! Thanks for sharing :-)

  14. Lovely! The wrapping paper is rather fabulous!

  15. It certainly is very different from your normal style but I LOVE it. Great photo - did you take it?

  16. I really like that Julie, doesn't look like your style at all but works perfectly.x

  17. The use of negative space on this LO is great! Can I have your permission to scraplift? I may desaturate and then colour my daughter's red hair back - really striking :) xx

  18. Great LO.....simple, but so effective.

  19. It's great to have some ideas for 'manly' cards!

  20. The tone on tone effect is gorgeous on this LO. Really like that! Allows those eyes to pop!

  21. simple and sweet LO and he does have dashing eyes ;)

  22. Fabby layout Julie, love it xxx

  23. Gorgeous LO...The colours are lovely, against those "eyes"!


  24. beautiful, I like the way you have done the title

  25. Beautiful layout, love the dots & subtle colours :)

  26. Simple definitely works here :) Well done, love the layout!

  27. Hi Julie,
    Thanks for visiting! I'm excited for today's first Flying Lesson's class. Actually is it today? I haven't worked out if 5pm Portland USA time is today or tomorrow for us! Claire

  28. lovely simple layout! love how the grey looks, not a colour I've really used in my pages. Need to give it a go!

  29. The layout is GORGEOUS. Wonderful picture and the colours really compliment those eyes.

    BTW - James: beautiful eyes!!

  30. I love this layout--it's so simple yet tells the whole story! Oh, and James really does have beautiful eyes! :)

  31. What a lovely subtle layout. I must use grey more often.

  32. You've got to love a Banana Frog giveaway

  33. Not soppy at all. It's manly, I say. Manly. And very cool. Happy Birthday James.

  34. Nice layout - and I love Lost too! :-)


  35. Lovely layout, i love your colour combo.

  36. Love the layout!! Less is most def more.

  37. I have a tendency to throw too much into a card - simplicity is sometimes better. I must try it sometime!


  38. A lovely simple but very effective LO! Might just have to try scraplifting it. Happy Birthday Banana Frog!

  39. Hi there... you made me giggle when you typed 'please don't make me say it...brings out the colour of his eyes!' I'm so NOT soppy either!! Great card... very soft, yet still masculine. Love it! Marie x

  40. On this hop
    Id just like to stop
    To say Hi,
    Cause Im just passing By!
    Happy Hopping Day!

  41. gorgeous!!
    so simple - just the way i like it!

  42. thanks for the inspiration!

  43. Hi Julie

    I am Kathy and I read your comment on the Flying Lessons blog. Can't wait to read your thoughts, your dreams, your goals....Good for you! I need to seriously sit down and put my visions in order. They are so scattered and intermittent. I am not sure how to even begin...But maybe now that I have forced myself into the class, I will make the time to think.

  44. Is that a handmade book I see? I'm intrigued. You are one lucky lady to be part of the BF team!

  45. Lovely, lovely layout, Julie - never thought that I'd see the words 'clean and simple' on your blog! :) - you have an enviable range of styles! Happy Birthday to You Know Who ... x alexa

  46. love the layout.
    especially those fonts and the smokey gray. love gray. :)
    happy birthday to banana frog.
    it also just so happpens to be my birthday today, too.
    such a fun way to celebrate!

  47. Such a restrained layout for you, but just as beautiful and thoughtful as your normal works of art! I love the papers and colours that you've chosen.

    PS Please remain schtum about the ending of Lost (I'm only on the second series!)

  48. Beautiful, just beautiful. Love the pink layout of you below too.

  49. Thats a great page, and that album looks awesome!!

  50. Love your creations!! and what a great hop!! Thx!!

  51. That's a fabulous LO, so removed from your usual style ~ I love it! I also love those Pharmacy stamps, I use mine a lot!

  52. I love your layout, I am always in awe when someone can pull off "simple" so wonderfully.

  53. This is such an elegant card . . . and your hubby has such beautiful eyes!!!!

  54. i love your layout! all that negative space with so many cute accents!

  55. i love your layout! all that negative space with so many cute accents!


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