
Tuesday 25 January 2011

Cards: Hearts, arrows + shiny things!

Hi there you. And you.

A special 'hello' if you've popped over from the 3DJean Design Team blog where I've also also posted today.

I'm taking a break from writing about Twitter today, to share a couple of cards with you.

I often make cards from the bits and pieces I have crammed, rammed and squished into carefully sorted into zip-lock bags full of scraps, as it gives me the illusion that I'm being frugal, eco-friendly and resourceful!

And while, in some tinyway, I am being all those things ... the main reason I like restricting myself to only using what's in my scrap bags is how it throws out unusual combinations of 'bits' which I may not have taken time to pull together otherwise.

Here I've combined some old Basic Grey paper [I still adore that blue!] with some laser-cut hearts and a couple of things from 3DJean: the ArtChix collage image and the label, in the centre, which was printed from a 3DJean Image CD:

The Catslife Press 'Just Between You and Me' stamp also came from 3DJean a while ago now, but the Queen & Co. glittery gem embellishment is brand new, in stock now ... and ... is my latest favourite stash-crush!:

The arrow is from a punch which I found in the Hobbycraft sale. I like the idea of punches - but not the price [or the space they take up!] so when I found this one going cheap, I bought it. It's slightly less 'girly' than many punches I see ... and I'm not entirely a hearts and flowers girl through and through ... although I am warming to hearts ...[shhhhhh, don't tell anyone, OK?].

The red + white ribbon was a Christmas gift from Andrea of the very smashing shop for all things ribbony The Ribbon Girl and that silver ribbon which is catching the light so spectacularly is an Anita's Sticky Ribbon:

Right then, that's enough from me for today. We both need to go and rest before the guided tour of Twitter I've got planned for tomorrow.

Now go polish your comfy shoes and meet me back here in the morning. OK?

OK. ;-)

Julie x


  1. oohh just gorgeous :)

    I've printed out your twitter "class" LOL .. and I have plans to sit down later with a cup of tea and have a good read ... soooo excited.

  2. I love those cards, your combination of 'bits' is perfect and so is the stamp you've used.

  3. I need to try this with my scrap box - though I'm SURE I don't have such interesting scrap pieces as yours.

    I'm poorly - can I have a note to watch the tour from the comfort of my sofa? *cough, cough, feeble cough*

  4. Shoes polished and bag packed! Though due to work (how CAN it get it the way so?) I may be running to catch you up later in the day. Love their shoes by the way, up above!

  5. You do make the loveliest cards, y'know...


  6. These cards are simply fab Julie !!


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