
Sunday 6 February 2011

Minibook using Onirie papers: Reflection

Hi you.

As much as I love blogging ... and Twitter ... and blogging about Twitter ... sometimes I miss creating with paper so I've got a minibook project to share here today.

There are lots of things I really like about this project ... but the first and foremost thing is ... that it's finished!

100%. Not one single moment of self-deluded 'it just needs XYZ and then it's done' nonsense. Welcome to my completed 'Reflection' mini-album:

Minibook - 'Reflections'

The second thing I really like about it - well actually it's more of a deep and enduring unconditional love I have - is for that amazing picture frame design paper! Fabulous or what? And particularly pertinent for me today as yesterday I spent the entire afternoon hanging frames and turning the wall of my hallway into a picture gallery. [Of which there'll definitely be photos to come ... I might just count them all and add them to February's Month in Numbers post!]

It was very hard to cut into such a perfect sheet of paper. Made worse by the fact - and isn't this always the case? - that the other side of this double sided sheet is a lovely page of text print! I'm still savouring the tiniest of remaining scraps left behind so I may just need to buy another ...

So, before we go on I'll tell you what it is and where you can get it ... just so you can concentrate for the rest of the post. Deal?

OK it's 'Invocation' from the Midnight Secret range from Onirie, a hard to get European brand which, luckily for those unusual paper lovers here
3DJean has now begun stocking. [Clicking the photo below will take you to the whole range.]

The book itself is dedicated to James's slight preoccupation with taking photographs of things in reflective surfaces or in our shadow.

Minibook - 'Reflections'

Wherever we go we return home with at least one photo of one of us in a mirrored surface ... such as this one of him reflected in my sunglasses!

Minibook - 'Reflections'

But as nice as his photos are .. sometimes that Onirie paper was simply too nice to cover up ...

Minibook - 'Reflections'

All some pages required was a short phrase, such as this selected from a mammoth box of K&Co 'Words To Go':

Minibook - 'Reflections'

Partly as this was a book I wanted James to like [therefore non-girly] and partly because I don't/can't do perfect and neat ... I tore and sanded the edges and randomly drybrushed white paint throughout the pages by for a shabby feel:

Minibook - 'Reflections'

While standing in front of a display of mirrors in a shop ... and while he had his camera on hand ... there was only ever going to be one outcome:

Minibook - 'Reflections'

And here's another of those recurring shots - which I tend to take too - the 'me and my shadow' old favourite:

Minibook - 'Reflections'

As for the photos of the book itself ... I couldn't really resist balancing it on a mirror for some genuine reflective moments:

Minibook - 'Reflections'

And when photographing a design as nice as this ... then seeing it in reflection means double the eye-candy:

Minibook - 'Reflections'

If you've fallen for this paper range as much as I have - don't forget to check it out at 3DJean here.

If you've made anything from this range I'd love to see ... especially if you worship those frames too!

I've just begun another mini using the Onirie 'Sweetness of Living range':

.. so I'll be back to share that just as soon as I've finished it ... which will be sometime after I've written 3 more Tips for the Twitter-curious classes!

See you tomorrow tweety-types.

Julie x


  1. this mini book is absolutely gorgeous!

    and it showcases those papers perfectly

  2. Great idea for a mini book. I have a whole collection of shadow and reflection pics too. The papers are lush.

  3. Lovely loveliness and great pics too.
    Now I wonder if there are any of those K&Co letters left...

  4. LOVE it julie!! I also know just what you mean about loving the fact it's FINISHED!!! Fabulous camera angles you've used to show it off too! :o)

  5. Wow, Julie - not sure which is more fabulous; the album itself, (which is just gorgeous) or your amazing reflected photographs of the album!
    This is a great post, about a great project.
    And I will go and look at that range of Oniri papers - looks wonderful!


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