
Monday 25 April 2011

Configuration tray: Going for a splodge!

Hi, hi, hi. Happy Bank Holiday Monday.

Is that a valid greeting? Does anyone say that? ... OK, seemingly I  just did, so let's move on ... ].

How are you spending your day? 
Living quite near the coast we might ordinarily have ventured out on to sand with bare feet on a sunny bank holiday.

But not today, because:
  • [a] It is still only April ... and it is still the North Sea we're talking about here... so not an entirely warm prospect yet [if ever].
  • And [b] I'm having some stripes installed [It's a carpet which I'll bore you with at a later date.]
But, once the staircase is safely carpeted [not that the words 'stairs' and 'safe' ever really go together in my experience] I can go and splodge vicariously by looking at the seasisde configuration tray I have hanging on the landing:
Actually, if I opened the bathroom door and filled the bath with warm water I could splodge while looking directly at it! But, then again, I probably shouldn't risk getting the new carpet wet ...
The box was made - from scratch - a few weeks ago at the monthly 'Efemera Ink' crafty day run by Effie She designed the construction of the box for us all to copy then, as usual, we all decorated them in our own style, using our own seaside paraphenalia.

Mine was covered in pages from an astronomical chart book from 1969 [which was one of the bargain book finds I mentioned in March's Month in Numbers post]: 
Amongst other things it's now home to the precious little head I dug up in the back garden when we first moved in and shells and stones from various beachcombing trips: 

And I clad the outside of my tray with an old wallpaper swatch from my time on the Gauche Alchemy design team I'd been saving for a suitable project. The faux knots are some ancient, ancient K+Co rub ons. 
Then Effie provided the drift wood for all our the handles ... because that's the kind of thing Effie always has handy!
You can see Effie's original design here, and Janet has alsoblogged her take on it here.

Right then, I'm off ... to dream of warm shores, salt-water between my toes ... and boots as amazingly pointy as these:

Happy splodging! *


[Just hoping that 'splodging' isn't one of those phrases that means something completely different - ie: rude - in other countries ... but I'm sure you'll let me know if it does ... ]


  1. Very cool collection of beachy bits. I love how you've put it all together. I'm especially liking the word 'splodge' it's a word that does not get used often enough in my opinion! x

  2. Love your box, I can't believe you dug that fabulous doll shead up! What a treasure!

  3. Your box looks like just my kind of box. Whenever I cover anything in book pages I can never resist painting it white, I love that look. I really need some driftwood for a project I'm planning but we never seem to have much turn up here. I'll have to keep looking.

    Great idea to have your 'sea' letters free standing and love the mini bunting. Happy Bank Holiday to you too :)

  4. Love your box !!!
    I can't believe you dug that fabulous doll shead up!This is a gorgeus work!!!!
    I love evrything in here.
    I´m follower now.
    Have a nice week.
    Hugs from Brazil

  5. Now, splodge might not mean anything rude to me, but I have had to giggle at everyone telling you how much they love your box. It reminded me of giggling about your pink parts. Oh, those were the days :)

    This is a great project though, I'm always amazed by your versatility and your imagination. Happy splodging x

  6. Love your box & use of the word splodge.

  7. I love this wonderfully weathered seasidey look ... And want to hear about the stripes!

  8. Lovely work :) It's not called splodging - up here in the north we go for a plodge!

    Andrea x


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