
Wednesday 20 April 2011

Photobooth fun ... with a zebra.

Hello you.

Whether you're a regular visitor or if you're visiting from It's a Creative World blog [where I'm guesting with this post today courtesy of Alexa] you're equally welcome ... I'm sure we can all squeeze inthe  if we shuffle up a bit.

When I blogged about this photobooth-strip layout last month:
Layout: So very young!
 ... I suggested I might write-up a step-by-step to show how you can use your own stamps to achieve the same result ... and now I have!
If you stop by my post on It's a Creative World there's a full photo-tutorial complete with examples of cards I made featuring character stamps cosying up to each other in photobooth style snapshots.

Meanwhile, right here there's a layout featuring the same technique:
The page stars me and my old friend the zebra complete with a matching, stamped, photostrip:
If you're wondering why I'd have a zebra for a friend you might want to read a post I wrote about how he came to live with me .
That post also goes some way toward explaining why, as my journaling suggests, I feel gratitude toward a cheap plastic zoo animal!
So apart from sharing this page and the story of my friendship with you ... I hope you might take on the technique I've shared and be inspired to give the photobooth idea a go using your own stamps, to tell your own tale:
Thanks so much for stopping by to see me and the zebra today[we're both wearing stripes in honour of your visit] and don't forget to drop in on It's A Creative World on your way out.

Please do give me shout if you try out the stamped photobooth strip technique in your papercrafting ...

... and please yell it from the rooftops if you too keep a small safari in your handbag!
Julie x


  1. Love your zebra and bird! This is such a cool idea, and I really need some new stamps. Thank-you for your great post over at It's a Creative World today.

  2. I think the zebra+bird might be my favourite of all these so, so sweet photobooth strips - super cute and beautifully coloured/shaded, too.

    You're a clever old thing, dammit!


  3. Ohhh liking the layout and the photostrip technique. Will have to try this and let you know how it goes.

  4. Great idea for the photo booth technique. Isn't it annoying that most photo booths don't let you take a series of random piccies like this any more? Boo, hiss. So I shall make some of these to remind me of the fun old days!
    I also went and read zebra's back story and I love it, I'm glad you've got each other! x

  5. I love your photobooth technique!

    Spooky - I'm doing a lo with that pink page at the minute and I'm hoping to have it blogged tomorrow.

  6. Love your photo booth technique Julie & thanks so much for joining us on IACW yesterday :D

  7. So since it's school hols and all I have had a go at the technique already. Admittedly my stamps were not up to the challenge and it's not really a photostrip...but I *had* a go!

    Thanks for the idea!

  8. Hey, just popping back to let you know I made a little photo-booth strip for a card after seeing this post. I've just blogged it, you can see it here:

    it's at the end if you want to scroll down to it. Thank you for the inspiration! x

  9. Those are lovely layouts that can use to have creative photo booth strips and also a good souvenir.


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