
Tuesday 19 April 2011

Cards: Meet Miss Fly & The Queen of the Wheel

Hi, hi, hi.

Over the course of the last week or so I seem to inadvertently brought you a series of blog posts which ran like an ingredients lists for a good meal. So far I've served up:
After all of which I feel you and I should both get some exercise, starting right now, with the assistance of the oh-so-aptly named Miss Fly:
I guess 'Miss Fly' was actually the name of the bike in the vintage advert ... but still ... I'd feel pret-ty fly if I rode my bike wearing pointy boots, a bright red skirt .. and a hat like that!
Miss Fly [and the image below] were both printed from the Vintage Labels image CD [from a range of at 3DJean], and if I thought riding my bike wearing a skirt was daring enough ... then check out the Queen of the Wheel

I used Distress Ink to age the image, then mounted it on to a card covered in many layers and 'bits'.

The foil hinges I've had for ever were also aged, this time using black and brown Stazon:
The papers are Onirie 'Sweetness of Living' and the new Noir et Creme by Collections Elements - all from
As you might have gathered, these cards are part of my Design Team work for 3DJean and, if you still feel like burning off some of last week's blogging calories, you can hop on over to this post on the shop blog where you can meet the gentlemen cyclists who form the other half of my card set.

As a fairweather [i.e: lazy and cold-hating] cyclist I have yet to dust mine off this year. Needless to say that when I finally do get back on two-wheels ...

... I'll be wearing my best frilly bodice and heeled boots!

Thanks for reading me today.




  1. Fab cards & I'll definitely keep eye out for you on your bicycle lol

  2. These are fab, i have an old fashioned bike its a beautiful hand made pashley that i ride everyday, i love to wear skirts when i ride :)

  3. Wonderful cards and those ladies on bikes are amazing.

  4. Brilliant! I guess these were considered 'naughty' in their day. Looking forward to a posed pic of you on the said two wheels. :)


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