
Monday 11 April 2011

Scrapbooking the story: The 6-Cheese Lunch

Hello again.

Here's the follow up post + page I promised in my earlier post about the wine shop and the wall of labels.
It might not make much sense if you haven't already read the previous post ... not that I can promise it will make total sense even if you have ...
So, let me now explain about the 6-Cheese Lunch ... :
We were so looking forward to lunch when we landed in the wine-shop-which-we-thought-was-a-coffee-shop, we were a little disappointed to see that, while the menu had plenty of teas, coffees and [naturally enough for a wine shop...] wines on there, there was no food!

We were so hungry that even the homemade cakes on the counter didn't quite seem like enough. Which is when the owner uttered the infamous words:

"I can make you up a selection of cheeses ... with crackers ... and homemade chutney ...":
[The 'We'll give you some bread for your cheese' slogan came from a magazine advert in an ephemera paper pack I bought years ago. I just knew that, if I held on to it long enough, one day I'd find an ideal project for it!]

Mr Wine+Cheese then asked if we'd like to choose from his selection, but we were happy to let let him decide for us while we all dashed off to .... to ... the toilet to look at his label wall.
And what he put together was soooooo good.

6 cheeses, some from local producers and chutney made on a nearby farm. It was glorious. How often do you make an entire meal from cheese?!! Although ... there was fruit and veg in the chutney ... so it was a balanced meal really ... if you think about it ...

Imagine setting down a whole tub of ice-cream in front of 4 hungry kids and telling them to eat as much as they liked ... yeah ... it was like that ...
And what we couldn't eat [which wasn't much!] ... we took away to eat later!

I know I joked about it in my previous post, but my friends and I really have discussed going out of our way to return to the emporium of cheese the next time we go off on our crafting retreat. Hopefully next time around more of us will be able to get there for lunch ... so if 4 peaople = a 6-cheese lunch ... how many cheeses will he provide if all 8 of us turn up ...

However many it turns out to be ... you know I'll be taking photos in between mouthfuls!

Bon apetit! 

Julie x


The structure of the page was inspired by the Kraft It Up blog challenge for April. 

Cardstock + paper: Papermania kraft basics; Papermania 'Sunshine'
Fabric ribbon: Papermania
Alphas: Papermania, Jenni Bowlin
Spritz ink: Shimmerz
Stickers: Lily Bee


  1. That's such a great memory of a fabulous and unexpected lunch. We used to have our own favourite "man of cheese" and were bereft when he closed down earlier this year. Although considering the generosity of his samples, his closure wasn't entirely unexpected.

    Bernie x

  2. Love this - especially the paint and colours

  3. Always love your pages so many layers and little touches to ogle...

    ...and this time cheese too! Mmmmm.

  4. WOW ! I really love this, and what a great topic !!!
    So many details, and great layers ! Thanks for playing along at KIU this month !

  5. gorgeous page, your layouts are amazing and now i REALLY want cheese hahahaha

  6. Loving the page... and oh my word that Kraft cardstock is to die for!

  7. Loving your LO.. great design and awesome paint work and layered details!! Thanks for playing along :)

  8. WOW! Just found your blog. AMAZING stuff. LOve what i see...want to stay! LOL! Thanks so much for playing along at KIU!


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