
Sunday 10 April 2011

Scrapbooking the story: The Wall of Labels

Hello you.

Last month, on our way to stay in a country cottage for a crafting weekend, my friends and I made a slight detour to a small village to visit a patchwork shop [the one we folornly sat outside until they opened up which I mentioned in March's Month in Numbers post].

We'd been travelling in the car all morning so, rather than go directly to ogle and paw the fabrics, we first needed to address a few vital issues: [1] eating lunch [2] drinking tea and [3] finding toilets!

After harrassing several locals in the street we were finally directed to a place which we were assured sold food and drink so we made our way along until we found it:
All four of us peered in through the window at once ...

It was a wine shop.

Floor to ceiling wine on all sides, a beautiful sight indeed ... but not quite what we'd had in mind. But, before we could walk away we were beckoned in by the man behind the counter.

It turned out that the only food he sold was cheese and cake ... and next week I'll share the layout I've made about the 6-cheese lunch we ended up with... but until then ...

... once we'd agreed on food someone [and I'll spare their blushes] pretty much demanded he tell her where his toilet was ... and we set about making ourselves at home in this unlikeliest of lunch-spots.
As if being surrounded by wine, cheese and cake wasn't exciting enough ... while we formed an orderly queue outside the 'facilities' we incureable paper-lovers were thoroughly enthralled by the walls which were totally covered in wine labels:
Effie: 'Have you got your camera on you?' And what do you think? Me: 'Yes. I've got my camera on me.'
And that my friends is how I came to photograph a wall, outside a toilet, in the back room of a wine shop in a strange town ... while a man made up a banquet of cheese for four women who blew-in on the wind like a pack of giddy, papercrafting, Mary Poppinses.
And if we hadn't exploited his hospitality far enough ... he even ended up giving us directions to the patchwork shop we'd come looking for in the first place!

I still wonder what his emotions were when, as we were leaving, amidst our thanks we announced that we'd definitely be dropping in on him again ... the next time we're passing ... !

Julie ;-)


The layout is my take on Shimelle Laine's Sketch of the Week [06. April. 11].
The small alphas; vintage cider label; Shimmerz spray; label stamp and 6x6 paper are all from 3DJean.


  1. Love the story behind this LO and great use of layers to create the page.

  2. It was a fab lunch... roll on November!

  3. Fab post and LO. I am most sad to have missed the wine shop with wonders of cake and cheese... perhaps next time.

  4. Great layout, and fun post. I wonder sometimes if shop owners ever watch us leave stores and say "aahh, a scrapbooker!" ... I mean, who else would photograph the things we do :)

  5. I really feel as though I'm missing out on all these adventures. How does one become a member of the gang? x

  6. And a very lovely layout it is too

  7. That sounds like my perfect lunch *g*

    The page is fabulous!

  8. Sounds like you had a fab time, how do you always have these cool tales to tell? I need more adventures!

  9. Great story to go with a great layout, just gorgeous. Such beautiful colours, makes me feel very summery.

  10. Stunning photos and wonderful writing! I'm going to go and find my own bread and cheese and tea and then come back and read it and gaze at it all over again. :)

  11. Great layout. I too would be fascinated by a wall of sounds like a fab little shop.


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