
Friday 15 July 2011

Going Postal: Cards from scraps, snippets and stamps

Hello postal-people.

Firstly let me say a big thank you to those who've told me they're planning something already!   I'm really looking forward to starting pinning your postal-posts! [Try saying that fast 3 times!].

If you're still pondering about joining in then you might be interested to know I edited the introductory post to add in the fact that I'm more than happy for you to combine the postal theme with any other ongoing project or blog-challenge entry out there.

For example, if you follow a sketch-blog - as long as your sketch-project features a postal item/theme somewhere you can enter the sketch challenge and 'Going Postal' with one project.

OK ... enough admin ... on to the craftiness and my stampy, scrappy greetings cards:

These came about, as so often the best ideas do, entirely by accident.

I'd been sorting through the pizza box filled with the Crafty Templates Quirky Scrapbooking kit which I'd been guest designing with when I came across some small snippets of paper I'd cut out when I created the micro-mini-book I blogged about here last month.

Despite some of the scraps being quite tiny I'd held on to them [rather than dropping them in the recycling bag] as they were still so pretty and interesting. There were several of them floating around the bottom of the box and I just began moving them around, matching-up and contrasting colours:
Then I got out the packet of postage stamps I'd recently rediscovered and tucked into my crafting bag and started arranging them, in colour themse, alongside my paper scraps.

I then mounted them onto CoreDinations cardstock, which I'd sanded around the edges to reveal the lighter core-colour beneath.
Finally I ran them under the sewing machine for some free-style wobbly stitching lines:
These were the Father's Day cards James and I sent this year and tomorrow I'll share some colour variations of the same idea.

It's a really simple, satisfying way to use up scraps and I think they'd work well framed, as well as being posted ... or even afterwards. Hopefully someone will like it enough to pop a frame around it!

Thanks for reading.

I hope the weekend brings you something good in the mail!



  1. Great cards!! I might join this fun and create a postal card myself this weekend!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  2. As you say, some ideas just create themselves. This is one of them and it looks so effective. On my list to do! Thank you for sharing.

  3. would love to join in. Will have a think about what I can do. Abi xx

  4. Lovely lovely cards!!!! i would definitely frame them if I was the lucky recipient! :D Feeling very inspired!

  5. here is the link to my first post...........hope it meet the criteria enough,
    jo xxxx

  6. Cute! Love the wobbly stitching. Would look good with a couple of fabric scraps added too methinks. x

  7. Oh my goodness! That's a stamp from GRENADA!!! That's my home!! lol ;)

  8. Great cards.Love the stamps and stitching.


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