
Friday 12 August 2011

Going Postal: Docrafts Giveaway!

Hello again.

With only two days left before I lick my last stamp and send Going Postal off to the big post-box in the sky ... I have one final giveaway for you to enter. And it's a big one!

If you've been following this series you'll remember the XCut postage-stamp punch from yesterday's post and maybe also the postal themed set of Forever Friends acrylic stamps I mentioned in this cardmaking post.
Well, the very nice people at Docrafts  were so happy that many of you seemed to like these supplies as much as I did ... that they'd like to give you the chance to win them!
Here's what Docrafts are offering ....

The full set of all 5 XCut Nesting Postage Stamp punches ranging from 1" to 3"!

 AND ... a set of the Forever Friends 'The Good Life' Journal stamps!
So ... what do you say? Are you in? Would you like to see all these lovely posty goodies delivered to your door?

Here's what you need to do ...


  • Leave me a comment on this post making it clear you want to win.
  • That's it! 
But ....
  • If you'd like your name adding to the prize draw TWICE then ...
  • In your comment also mention someone or something you'd like to send a letter/note to and why!
  • It can be anyone ... even yourself ... just add it into your commment and I'll put your name in the hat twice.
  • The deadline for comments will be 18:00 Thursday 18th August 2011 with the winner announced ASAP afterwards.
  • Please make sure to check back here to see if your name was drawn as the winner. I too will make every effort to contact you - by clicking on your profile in your comment - so please make sure that it links to somewhere I can leave you a message.

Thanks for dropping by today and a huge THANK YOU to Docrafts for their generosity.

[And a special thanks to Katy!]. 

Julie :-)


  1. Oh, oh oh! They're wonderful, I've been drooling over them so much, I've got a puddle under my keyboard!

    I'd love to send a letter to my birth mother, actually. I've always wanted to be able to thank her and let her know I couldn't have had a better childhood. Easier said than done...

  2. It's like you knew how torn I was the other day when my hand was hovering over this stamp set in my LSS and I was asking myself, can I really afford it? I walked away, regretfully, but now look - a chance to win one!

    I'd love to write a letter to my Grandad - he passed away 14 years ago, but there's so much that I'd love to tell him about.

  3. I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance. On our recent honeymoon, we sent ourselves a postcard from lots of locations so that when we got home we could spend time remembering our best bits and funny things we had forgotten. It was also fun to receive our own postcards when we got home as we'd sent one to each other which summed up our special 4-week trip, the postcard my husband sent to me had me in tears! Can't beat a good handwritten note!

    My e-mail is (my profile is non-clickable!)

  4. Lovely giveaway, especially since I have been after the stamps for ages....thought I had bought them a few weeks ago untill I got home and realised I had the embossing folders! Don't ask, I don't know either lol.

    My letter would be similar to Jules except i would send it to my brother. He passed 13 years ago next month and I would love to tell him that his favourite footie team (Norwich)are riding high :) again :)

  5. Ooh Julie what an absolutely fab giveaway.

    This series has had me looking round all over the place for postal inspiration and the punches and the stamps would be fab for a few ideas I have

    I would love to send a letter to my Great Aunt Jean. She really was the family matriarch and I wish I had known when I was young that I would like to do some family research and she was just the person to relate the stories and have all the family tree information to hand. To send her a letter would be to gain such a wealth of information

  6. ooh, I've been coveting this stamp set so me please!

    I'd write a letter to my boys, explaining very patiently why small boys shouldn't exist on chocolate biscuits and breadsticks alone.

  7. Wow I would love to win these. I hadn't thought much about stamps until I came upon your blog. Now I think they are miniature works of art.

    I would write a letter to my mother telling her how sorry I was that my flight didn't arrive in time before she died so that I could say how much I loved her.

  8. I would love a chance to win these goodies.

    I would post a letter to my younger self telling her not to worry about being so skinny! Just wait for the babies to come and then you'll have no trouble putting on weight! lol!

    Colette x.

  9. So, i really really want to win as forever friends are a bit of a nostalgic icon amongst me and my friends from school. If i won i'd send a letter to my best friend from school who i've been friends with for 22 years. We used to have a necklace which split in two... half for you half for me forever friends we'll always be... aw how cute memories! X

  10. I´d love to win, thanks for the chance!!
    I guess I letter to my grandma would be needed!! She is all alone for years and cares so much about all of us, but we get to see each other way to less..

  11. I love those punches, and surprisingly (as I don't do "twee") I can also see me using the stamps ... a LOT!! So thanks Julie, (and Katy) for the chance to win them!

    As for who I'd send a letter to ... I have two colleagues off with stress due to some unpleasantness at work and I'm sending them home-made cards (saying "Hello") and a letter each to let them know I'm thinking of them and missing them and hoping that they can return soon!!

  12. What a brilliant present to win! Yes, please enter me twice, Julie. :) If I could write a letter to someone, it would be to my lovely Mum, with a copy of my birth certificate, to remind her that - much as I love her and her me - she needs to stop telling me that it's time I was going to bed!

  13. What a beautiful prize set. I love your series and your blog. I would love to win the set - the punches would go with my postcard collection so well!
    As far as sending a letter, I just started corresponding with one of my former students that I used to be very close to. She cut off ties to me and now has re-entered my life- I am so happy to be in contact with her again so we've been writing back and forth.

  14. I'd love to win this fab giveaway - thanks for the chance.

    I'd send a letter to my younger self - giving loads of advice on what to do and what not to do for the future!!

  15. Thanks for the chance to win, Julie! I looked for these stamps yesterday at my local docrafts shop and couldn't find them!

    I would (no, make that *will*) write a letter to my Nana.. we don't see each other very often but I treasure every letter she writes, as I'm sure she treasures my sporadic letters and cards too!

  16. What a fabby prize giveaway Julie....I have loved all your postal posts the last couple of weeks...and I am now following the Board on Pinterest...

    I think I would send a letter to myself telling me to get my ass of the laptop and get out and do some exercise(no excuses!)oh and to stop eating so much

    Have a great weekend,...

    Kirsti xx

    PS - thanks for the month in numbers tip...I have actually started writing it all down in a (handmade of course) note book...x

  17. Please count me in, I'd love to win this prize! Thanks for the chance! :)

  18. Would love to win this lovely give away! Having recently invested in the new Retro FF CD's the stamps and punches would definitely add a more hand crafted look! I would love to write a letter to all those who lost loved ones, homes and businesses in the recent unrest. My heart goes out to them all.

  19. Been loving all your 'going postal' inspiration ;)
    I love the look of those stamps and punches especially - I've been trying to talk myself out of "needing them" as I do have a set of (rubbishly blunt) postage edge scissors. But these would be *sooo* much better!
    Thanks for the chance to win ;)
    I'd love to send a card to my dear friend Ali who is always there for me through thick and thin and is the best shoulder to lean on during tough times. I send her lots of treats - but handmade cards can't come often enough right?
    Ruth x

  20. I would love to win this. I need to send a letter to my Memaw... because she lives 11 hours away and I always think to call her at odd hours. I should just write a letter instead!

  21. WOW! Am I ever so glad to be a follower and to see this!!! The prizes are fabulous and I would do cartwheels to win one (if I had to!) - I need to send a note to my very good college friend whom I haven't seen in years... :(

  22. What an amazing giveaway! I would love to win.

    I would send a letter to my younger self telling her everything works out in the end!

  23. Oh I'd love to win those, they are lovely.

    I'd like to send a letter to my son and daughter to let them know how special they are...and post it even though we live in the same house.

  24. I've really enjoyed your posts and would love these - esp as I almost bought the stamps but resisted as I'm trying economise! I'd write a letter to a friend I've lost touch with and can't track down ...

  25. Oo, oo, oo, pick me, pick me!! This is a super giveaway! I started following your blog recently because I love all the post-y goodness!
    I need to write a letter to my mom thanking her for doing such a good joob raising me. The longer I'm a mother, the more I appreciate her many virtues.

  26. Love those punches, and the postmark stampis fab. If i could send a letter a right now, it would be my 18 yo ds who just went off to Thailand on a 6 week backpacking adventure. Obviously i'll have to make do with email as he's travelling around. He might send me a couple of postcards though if i'm lucky (i'm not holding my breath!)
    Mandy McK

  27. OOOh lovely punches and stamps - it would be lovely to win these so i could use them in some postal pages i've got planned!!

    I used to write lots of letters - not something we do much of these days....I often think of writing a letter to the boys for them to open in 10 years time!!

  28. Fabulous! I would love to win these goodies! It would make up for having to get a new keyboard since I drooled on mine when I saw them!

    And I'd love to write a letter to my husband thanking him for the beautiful life we're building and living. I want him to have something to keep and to look at when life is bumpy.

  29. hi, i would love to win these.

    I would send a letter to my grandad who died in 2007, just before christmas. He never got to see my award for the animal care course i did. Or my old dog Sam.

  30. Oh - these are lovely. I would love to print the stamps onto fabric for journal covers. A great give-away :)

  31. oh i would send a note to myself :) i love mail

  32. Those punches are awesome, and I love the stamps too, so cute! I'd really love to win, pretty please?

    I'd write a letter to a couple who i've not spoken to for a couple of years, we kind of drifted apart and i miss them. They've had a baby too recently, I didn't even know she was pregnant, it makes me sad, and i'm too chicken to do it as it's been so long. I'd write to tell them how happy I am for them about their new baby.

  33. Nice prize!!

    I would write a letter to my most beloved missing flip flop... asking it to come home.. cos I miss it, and without it I just have a flop.

    Or a flip... I don't know which is which...

  34. Julie, been loving Going Postal. I would love a chance to win.

  35. What a great giveaway, Please include me in the draw 

    I would write a letter to my cousin in America then I can stop feeling guilty that I haven't replied to her letter to

  36. Oh my goodness! I'd love to win!!! The punches are great (I was just going to order a couple of them, now I'll wait a little, just in case I win ;) ), but oh! the stamps!!! lovely-lovely!

    The letter I would love to send is for my Grandad, and I would have if there was such a thing as Heaven Postal Service. He was the person I felt the closest to, and still, he passed away when I was 18 and feel there's so little I know of him and that there's so much I still had to learn from him!

  37. Wow - great giveaway! I love postage stamp shapes & have had my eye on those stamps since I saw them in store on Mother's Day. Winning them would make my day :)

    I'd send a note to my Auntie because she's my best friend too & had some bad news this week that she will be losing her job :( Hopefully a little card would help bring her some cheer & let her know I'm thinking of her.

  38. Super cool. What fun punches! I love this theme...still working on something to share!
    I'd like to write a letter to my biological parent, but probably never will send it~

  39. Thanks for the chance to win Julie x These punches look awesome & I'd really love to have a set.

    I'm going to write to my friend Rach in New Zealand. skype & FB are keeping us in touch but its just not the same as taking the time to write down your news or the feeling of recieving mail, putting on the kettle for a cuppa & enjoying the moment of holding their news in your hand. X

  40. I'd love to win this wonderful giveaway.

    I'd send to a good friend in the USA who needs reminding how awesome she is in what she does for others :-)

    Thanks for the chance to win this fabby set.

  41. Awesome goodies, i've been lusting over a postage stamp punch for quite sometime now. i'd write to my little sister in Taiwan. She's only 8 and loves to receive postcards and letters, i should do it more often.

  42. I forgot to say that it has been making think about the lost art of letter writing. The other day I had to explain to my 16 year old daughter how to lay out and write a letter. She is articulate and good at English but has never been taught how to write a letter. I still write the occasional letter to friends but find myself using fb, email and texts more and more - but they just are not the same. As an English teacher myself I am going to check that all my pupils know how to write a letter (I am sure I taught them but whether they took it in that's another matter.) I just dropped a note to our eldest daughter in Singapore.

  43. Ooh, I'd love to win, these punches and stamps look fab... so many possibilities!

    I need to send a letter to my sister, she's travelling in Australia at the moment. she's gone for a year so hasn't met my baby boy yet - he'll be 10 months old by the time she meets him. I should write her a long letter to say how it's all going!

  44. Can I win pretty please?

    I'd like to write a letter to my Mum who died a long long time ago just to let her know her youngest child has a wonderful life and to update her on her two lovely grandsons

  45. I'd love to win those wonderful stamps.

    I'd love still to be able to write to my dear friend who died when she was 91. She was so young-at-heart (but older than my mother) and shared so many of my interests. No one fills her gap.

  46. I love these stamps! I am always attracted to postal stuff and have loads of postcards collected from my days when I travelled lots.

    I would love to drop a line to my 3 kids to tell them how much I love them....don't know why I don't actually.....Think I will!! lol

  47. I would LOVE those punches! They are exactly what I need.

    Recently I came across some letters my aunt wrote to my grandmother, she died a long time before I was born. I would love to have known her. I would write to her :)

    On another note, I am hosting a Mail Art Exchange on my blog if you are interested stop by :)

  48. I WANNA WIN IT!!! Ohmy what awesome goodies! Pls pls pls pick me! :D

  49. Hello! I have a thing for postage themed items so I really NEED to win this haha, thank you for the chance to win!!

  50. Oh how I'd love to win the punch set and stamps, it would be AMAZING.

    I'd write letters to my sisters to tell them how much I love them even though we all live so far away, I'd write them to my old best friend who I heard was seriously ill on the other side of the country but was too scared to find out if she'd died and most importantly I would write one to my son, who I've lived alone with since he was one, to put away for him to read when he becomes a parent to explain what the love for your child truly means. ( oops writing about that made me cry) .

  51. Wow, would love to win these goodies.
    I haven't got a blog but find them so interesting and full of inspiration.
    Found yours through SJ's, this postal theme has given me some great ideas.
    Carol C.

  52. Twelve RanunculasAugust 14, 2011 5:08 pm

    It feels like Christmas came early! Thank you Julie! I wish this postage theme won't ever end..

  53. Sarah Jayne says

    I love the goodies especially the stamps. From a young child I have loved postcards and stamps and GoIng postal has been a reminder of some fin times.

    I would send a letter to my beautiful girls to let them know how proud I am of them and that they make me smile.

  54. Yes, of course i´d like to go postal with this giveaway!

    The next one I will send a letter oder card to is my cousin to wish her getting well soon!

  55. Postage stamp punches?! *OHMY* Genius, really :) And you, awesome for the giveaway girl! Thank you :)

  56. Oh yes forgot to mention, with the advent of the internet and email, FB, twitter whatnots, I do miss good old fashion snail mails. Who doesn't love receiving stuff in the mail? (not catalogues and bills, but from people we know/love!)
    I do :) Makes me reminisce abt the days my bestie and I used to write long letters to each other even though we see each other almost every other day :) Maybe, I should do that again!

  57. wow what a wonderful giveaway! I just start up sending homemade cards to my friends and family because I love to receive snail mail like that. it's the best. I remember my best friend and i would send letter to each other over the summer. that was so cool.

    michelesscrapycreations35 at yahoo dot com

  58. What a lovely giveaway prize, love the idea of these punches, would be so versatile, and who could not love Forever Friends! I'd love to win them!

    I'd like to send a letter to my nan and grandad, thanking them for looking after me when I was little when my mum was very ill, being so caring and wonderful and especially for the much needed new car they helped me buy. I hope they'd be proud of me for getting a 1st in my degree as they didnt get to see me complete it. With Love, Ni. xxx


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.