
Sunday 18 March 2012

Overheards: File Under 'Ironic'

Hello, hello.

This is the first 'Overheard' post of 2012, but fortunately I've been building up a bit of a new crop of them lately. So it won't be the last.

[If you're new here and you want to catch up on some of the gems of conversations I've deliberately strained to listen in to accidentally overheard over the years then do drop by the full overheard-so-far  list here].

Now on to the latest ...

Two male students were working on a presentation on a computer opposite mine and as a lecturer passed by, he stopped to chat with them about their work:

Student 1:  What was that term you used, in the lecture? About customer retention? You said there was a specific term involved but I can't remember. What do you call it again?

Lecturer: Oh, you mean "Top of the mind recall"
 © Julie Kirk [For similar collages see my shop.]
There's surely nothing else I can do but file that one under the 'Ironic' folder! Surely?

I'll be back wiith more treasures form all my ear-flapping soon.

Julie :-)


  1. Ha ha..that's one to chuckle at!

  2. That's made me smile! And I love your pretty work ...

  3. That made me chuckle & love your little canvas too.
    C xx


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