
Sunday 20 May 2012

Going Postal: Docrafts' Giveaway winner

Hello. How's your Sunday going / been?

So far I've put together some vintage paper packs while wrapped in a blanket [our boiler's broken, so we have no central heating ... which you'd think would be manageable in May!]. And now I've succumbed to just sitting by the fire thinking about putting together some more vintage paper packs.

It's the thought that counts ...

And, even in my frozen state I've managed to fire up the laptop, tap the number of giveaway entries into a random number generator ... and find a winner for the fabulous Docrafts Portobello Road giveaway!

And, [in case you can't understand me through my chattering teeth ...] here's the lucky lady:

Lynn, I'll be in touch to get your mailing address so Docrafts can send out your prize.
  • Thanks to all of you who contributed your wonderful, varied, delightful, funny, moving and strange postal tales - I loved reading through them as they dropped on to my virtual doormat! 
  • And thank you to all those who squeezed in a postal post of their own, your company was very much appreciated!
  • If you didn't quite get around to posting about post ... don't let the fact that I've finished 'Going Postal' [for now] put you off - I'll still pin any posts which mention the series and link to the Pinterest Board until May 30th. And of course .... postal-loveliness is for life, not just for Going Postal ... so go forth and use all that inspiration from the pin board any time you like!
Right then, that slight scent of burning you can smell is either my laptop tray or the wooden heels on my boots ... either way ... I think we can safely say I'm warm enough and should perhaps move away from the fire ...

I'll see you next week sometime. Soon, soon.

Julie :-)

p.s: Just a reminder to all Month in Numbers bloggers: there's just 11 days left in May - so open up that draft post / notebook now and start scribbling down those vital statistics! I'll start us off ... 1 = the number of cowboy boot heels singed while blogging too close to the fire ...  ;-)


  1. Oh well done Lynn - glad it was someone I "know" if it couldn't be me as I'm sure you'll share the projects you make on your blog!

  2. Oh wow - thanks so much - looking forward to receiving and then creating!

  3. Congratulations Lynn and thank you Julie for another inspiring Going Postal week!

  4. I hope you get that heating fixed soon!

  5. congratulations Lynn :) Look forward to seeing what you create!


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