
Saturday 19 May 2012

Going Postal: Postal themed vintage paper packs

Hi, hi, hi. 

If I've learnt anything from running the Going Postal series ... twice ... then it's that I'm not the only postal-ephemera-lover out there.  The comments you've left and the projects you've contributed have proven, time and again, that I'm not alone!

So, with that in mind, I created a few postal-themed Plundered Pages packs to satisfy even the most ardent mail-admirers amongst us - and they're now available from my Etsy shop.

There's a large pack [which contains approx 100g]:
Inside there's all kinds of illustrations and text taken from lots of different vintage children's dictionaries, annuals and storybooks:
There's also an old First Day Cover [peeking out above ^^], postcards and around 30 different postage stamps in a rainbow of colours. And I've even included sections from two different vintage maps:
The smaller pack is made up of all the same elements, just in smaller quantities:
But there's still room for 20 stamps inside:
And some Magic Roundabout too:

Ideas for using the packs:
Both the images and the text inside these packs are perfect for:
  •  using on scrapbook pages documenting memorable mail stories - like those everyone's sharing in the Docrafts giveaway post comments;
  • and pages featuring collections of correspondence, long-saved love-letters, stamp collections and other posty-pastimes and memories;
  • greetings cards - especially the 'just a note ...' kind [my favourite ones to make];
  • mail art, postcard swaps etc
  • art journaling, collage ... and more ...
And of course, you can combine them with your existing supplies of modern paper ranges and embellishments. If you'd like more ideas and examples on using vintage items in your paper crafts you can browse this section of my gallery where I put all the work I've made using plundered pages.

And I'm always interested to see what my customers make from the packs they choose and I pin any finished projects to my Pinterest boards.

So, if you want to see these packs in more detail, or the other themes I have in stock  - then do drop by the shop today.

New themes heading to the shop next week:
  • Harry Potter-esque [I'm seriously excited to have found lots of different illustrations which could have been lifeted straight from the Harry Potter books + films! Can't wait to share this one!!];
  • various different summertime pack - just in time for holiday crafting and recording;
  • and the British Countryside.
If there's anything other themes you'd like to see you can always work with me to create your own custom pack [see here for the full details].  Or else you can always throw ideas at me for me to work on in future packs.

I'm going to be back tomorrow - after the Docrafts giveaway closes - to announce the winner, so I'll see you then ... I'm off now to cut up old books ... again ...

Julie :-)


  1. I'm a little afraid to click through to your Etsy shop in case I snaffle the lot! Lovely, lovely stuff - especially that little pixie. Takes me back ...

  2. Oh those are very cute Julie!

    I just posted a giveaway on my blog for your Going Postal week :)

    Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration this week :)


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.