
Friday 21 June 2013

Have you seen: Jot Magazine?

Hello hello.

A new, online and free magazine for 'modern memory keepers' was launched today by Kim Archer and her team. And here it is ... meet 'Jot' :

When I heard about Jot and its philosophy I really wanted to be part of it ... how about you? Any of this sound familiar?:  
And so ... I responded to their call for contributions and now my article all about My Month in Numbers, [where the idea came from, how to join in, why it works for me and others] is now nestled happily in this debut issue alongside several examples from some faithful Month in Numbers bloggers too.
So ... may I suggest you schedule a little 'me' time along with the first issue of Jot, your drink of choice and your most comfy chair? That should ease you nicely into the weekend I reckon.
Enjoy ... and I'll see you soon.
Julie :-)


  1. Looks fab, off to settle for a proper read xx

  2. Coffee in hand, seated in comfy chair, I'm ready to click the link!

  3. ....and a lovely article it is too. I noticed the mention of jellies :) and am chuffed to bits to be featured alongside you x thank you x

  4. Ditto Louise! Oh, the excitement I felt when I clicked on it! :) Thank you for the invitation to be part of this! I am thrilled!

  5. That's lovely, enjoyed a browse and will be back when I have more time to look properly. Loved your pages Julie. Beautifully done!

  6. Love this online mag - thanks for the link. Well done to Louise too! I've always had scrap envy over her fab MIN pages :)

  7. Lovely to see your name in there ~ month in numbers is such a great idea!

  8. Oh yes Julie - it was lovely to see your name in there - and as a relative newcomer to Month in Numbers, I really enjoyed reading your article. I was so pleased to see your name pop up as a contributer. J x

  9. Thanks, that looks really good - could almost get me scrapping again or make me think about project life style scrapping.

  10. This looks really cool! Off to download and read... =)

  11. Many congratulations on your well deserved inclusion! Lovely to see you 'in print', so as to speak :).

  12. Lovely and lively article. Made me smile to recognize most of the examples as well.


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