
Sunday 23 June 2013

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2013: Capturing the tower

Hi hi hi.

 I'm one of those people who:
  • likes taking photos
  • and who also likes lists and
  • likes crossing things off lists and
  • if I'm realistic ... I work best when I have a deadline and so ...
... that's why I really enjoyed taking part in the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt hosted by Rinda at Gallo Organico last year ... and, more to the point, why I'm joining in once again this year.

It's also a fun and structured way for me to document and share various unconnected moments of my summer and - if you followed any of my Push-Up Bra Blogging tips you'll know that structure really can be a blogger's best friend! And to help keep me on track I've added the whole list to my sidebar <<< and will add links to each item as and when I blog the photo.

This year Rinda's list contains 21 items [plus two substitutes] for us all to seek out and snap before Sept 21st so all I have to do is keep my eyes open for things that fit the categories while I'm out and about [even though there's a list ... there's still plenty of room to add your own creative interpretation ... there's no right or wrong photo to take] and then drop them into a blog post ... like this ...

Item No.8: A Tower

Well ... if you're going to have to find yourself a tower ... you might as well find one belonging to a castle ...
We walked by the remains of the East Tower of Helmsley Castle on a little family trip around Helmsley [North Yorkshire] last Thursday.

There's been a castle, in one sort or another, on that site for 900 years, however this particular tower is a little less historic than that. At just 700+ years old it's almost a new-build in comparison ...

Here it is again from the other side:
And here's the view I had when I turned around after taking that photo :
I can't resist taking photos of people taking photos.  Now all I need to do is check whether Mam's photo of the tower [which I think she was taking here] also features me taking a photo of her taking a photo of it ... OK, I think I'm getting a bit dizzy thinking about that now ...


I'll have some more Scavenger Hunt photos to tick off my list in the coming days - if you want to play along make sure to visit Rinda over at Gallo Organico for all the details.

Then this time next week it'll be time for My Month in Numbers again. [I know. I don't know how June's almost over either.]

Thank you for all your great topic suggestions for the big Month in Numbers'  'communal count' .... I'm going to make a full list and then decide which to try out first.

Wishing you a happy new week ahead.

Julie :-)


  1. Thank you for remind me of Rinda's Scavenger Hunt! I played a bit last year (not very successfully) and will go check out her list for this summer... 8, 700, 900, why do I automatically focus on the numbers when I come visit here, I wonder! :P

  2. Great photo! Now that is a tower worth photographing. I am more likely to end up with a cell tower. I always wonder when I see remains like that what happened to the rest of the building & why the left that bit there. Why not take it all? Why not leave more?

  3. yes that is a fabulous tower - and I love photos of others taking photos and taking a photo of what is behind you - trying to do that more often

  4. Ha ha - I was considering popping to Helmsley for this one but I have an alternative. Great shots x

  5. Great tower, makes me want to go there. Love your idea of putting the list in your sidebar. I might just do that as well if you don't mind?

  6. Love your tower (and your post about it). I think I'll do month in numbers this time around - this has been the busiest month in my life I think, so I have lots of numbers to share!

  7. Yes, I've been taking part in this, since you promoted on Pinterest, so many thanks for the head up. Great tower picture!

    I've been so keen (especially when we had the sun!), I've taken nearly all of the 21 now. Here is my flickr set and my first few photos on my blog:

  8. I am suffering from tower envy ... mine was only two stories tall. :D But as Australia didn't have people building towers 900 years ago I don't suppose I will find anything that old.

  9. I have tower envy too. I found one today but it's not a patch on yours. Oh well I'll just have to go out in the sunshine with my friend and my camera, have lunch and look for another tower...

  10. I have tower envy too. I found one today but it's not a patch on yours. Oh well I'll just have to go out in the sunshine with my friend and my camera, have lunch and look for another tower...


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