
Thursday 27 June 2013

Summertime Photography Scavenger hunt 2013: the MIMA edition

Hello, hello.
When I first began typing out this post my hair was still drying out from the rain I got caught in on a very short walk/ sprint out of the downpour. And - for the record - no, that 'shower-proof' mac I mentioned last week really isn't deluge proof. I refer you to one very damp shirt as evidence! 
But all this rain can mean only one thing ... that it's summer in England! and so ... let's get on with crossing some more photos off that Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt list ...

[If you want to play along with the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt then make sure to visit Rinda over at Gallo Organico for all the details.]


All of today's items were captured last week when my Mam, my sister and I went into Middlesbrough to attend the Jane Austen's Wardrobe presentation given by costume historian Gillian Stapleton. But before the event we had lunch in and a browse around MIMA [our local modern art gallery] and the town square surrounding it which is where I found ...

Item No.3: City Hall, Capitol or other similar civic building

This is the first of two items I snapped that same afternoon that not only fulfil the brief set by Rinda ... they rather helpfully have their category written on them to prove it! So - as the sign above the door here suggests - here's the Civic Centre:
Now if only Rinda's list had asked for 'a cyclist doing a wheelie' too ... I'd have been ecstatic to have another one to cross off my list at the same time! Did you spot him?

Item No.9:
A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong ...

This is the MIMA gallery garden with the 100 year old Central Library backing on to it. So far so what you'd anticipate seeing in a town centre.

But ...

...  what are those things in the floor there?
Why those are two giant Boeing aircraft engines from decommissioned military surveillance planes which have subsequently had anti-depressants tucked away inside them by artist Roger Hiorns in a piece called Untitled (Alliance).

But you knew that really didn't you? You were just teasing ...

Item No.10: A bench that is outside ...

Don't believe me that this is indeed a bench?

Think that my mother's just been clambering on a modern art installation?
Well think again ... and read the small print at the bottom of the photo!

And here it is from the side:

Item No.13: A fence ...

This metal fence [that reminds me of church organ pipe] surrounds the MIMA garden.

And finally for our little trip around MIMA ...

Item No.18: Your local pub/bar, coffee house or tea shop ...
OK , so this isn't my local café per se. [It's a 15 minute drive away].

But then ... I've never been into the pub that's nearest to my house and alas ... we don't have any cafés or coffee shops nearby either. [Not unless you count those few tables in the fish + chip shop ... and I don't.] I'm afraid café culture hasn't really hit close to our estate just yet and so ... the MIMA café, which we visit fairly often, will have to do.

But if I visit one closer to home before the end of the hunt ... I'll share that one too!


In case you're ever in the area and get the urge for some modern art and a nice cuppa - here's the MIMA website.

Right .... I'll go and cross these 5 off the list ... and  I'll see you soon.



  1. Great photos Julie! I am loving reading the stories connected with your hunt:). I've only got 1 photo so far:(

  2. Love that quirky artistic bench. It is so unlike a bench that they had to label it, lol. I've done another couple this week on my flickr page
    and I've nearly finished them all now!

    Another possibility for you would have been to put a crafty tool in your hand when you were in the caff.

    Thanks for getting me started on this fun project.

  3. what a great place to have close by - I love the bench and the notice on it

  4. That's a pretty amazing bench.

  5. That has to be the most original bench that I've seen so far. And how kind of them to put a description on it so we know that your mum wasn't climbing on an exhibit!

  6. I just love that bench, now I have bench envy! Your Scavenger Hunt photos are so good and I love the back stories ....

  7. What a productive day! Be sure to stop by this weekend and link this post up to the end of the month linky. How fun to find items at a modern art museum - makes for interesting finds. I love the fence and the bench especially!

  8. Really unusual photos! Very nicely captured. And you a looking very pretty for someone,who keeps being rained on :).

  9. Oh I do love your bench - fabulous structure! I do enjoy the story you add to each item, makes me feel as if I am there with you. J x

  10. Great photos! That bench is really cool!


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