
Friday 28 June 2013

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2013: Tilting at windmills

Hi again.
[If you want to play along with the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt then make sure to visit Rinda over at Gallo Organico for all the details.]

So ... I've got another item to cross off my list  ... but I'm pretty sure you're going to accuse me of cheating.

And yet ... here it is anyway ... [I'm a rebel like that.]

Item No.16: A windmill
This is the label inside my gorgeously soft black leather bag [the kind of bag of simplistic-perfection I'd been seeking for a long time!] and, while it may not immediately seem connected to summertime life ... I promise you it is.

During the summer I work from home and my days are as flexible as my deadlines and self-discipline will allow. And on some of those days - although far fewer than you might imagine - I take myself out on a little shopping trip. The kind that doesn't involve bread, milk and toilet roll.

And so, after doing a spot of invoicing over breakfast ... I decided I'd worked hard enough over the previous week that a new dress might just be in order. So out I went. Which is what I was doing when I realised that I actually didn't need to go hunting out that windmill ... and that I had one with me all along.

[I know... it's like the ruby slippers of the bag world!]

I was in my car, leaning over into the passenger seat, rummaging in my bag to check I'd put my phone in there, when I spotted it:
Note how I'd packed the essentials of a British summer in there ... with my flowery rain mac nestling against my sunglasses!

And on the outside of the bag ... another windmill for good measure:
So that's my case for adding this windmill logo to my list of summertime treasures found! I know it's not a 'real' one ... but then neither were the giants that Don Quixote thought he'd found when he spotted windmills in the distance!
Needless to say ... if I find a 'real' one [a real windmill that is ... not a real giant ... ] I'll snap that too.
Julie :-) 
p.s: If you're a Month-in-Numbers blogger/doer/sharer [hey, we need to work on a better title for us all than that one ...] then just a reminder that we're getting to that time.
  • My numbers will be here on Sunday ...
  • ... but you're welcome to join me anytime afterwards.
  • And if you fancy joining in but haven't been counting anything all month - don't let that stop you ... just flip through the photos you've taken or your diary / blog / Twitter feed / Facebook timeline / Instagram  ... anywhere you keep a record of your days ... and just pick out some facts and figures from there. Sorted!


  1. i love the thought of carrying a windmill with you all the time! It's a perfect find for the hunt.

  2. I love that bag and windmill.

  3. I am agog with disappointment.


    Your (real) windmill-obsessed pal, Don Quirsty


    (PS. Although, on reflection, the awesomeness of your flowery rain mac kind of makes up for it...)

  4. I am agog with disappointment.


    Your (real) windmill-obsessed pal, Don Quirsty


    (PS. Although, on reflection, the awesomeness of your flowery rain mac kind of makes up for it...)

  5. Great windmill find Julie!

  6. If I can use a picture of a bag of turkey Dinosaurs from bernard Matthews then you can have your label. I think that this is what the scavenger hunt is all about. I intend making Mr M take me along the raod from Chepstow to Gloucester because there is a fabulous sculpture of a fisherman on the front of the Severn and Wye smokery....

  7. Absolutely inspired Julie and definately not cheating. Am still considering joining in with this one if I have the time. Only in Britain would a rain mac and sunglasses be required - and usually on the same day lol

    Suzy x

    PS love the bag - Ive been on an almost life long hunt for the pefect soft tan bag but its eluded me so far

  8. I think it is awesome! "Your" windmill and nobody else's! It reminds me of those" what's in my purse" pages I have seen in the past... usually tells a lot about the person :)

    I have been counting exercise classes and walks taken as well as shows watched, among other things ;)

  9. Definitely in! and in your bag without you putting two and two together and coming up with 16...

  10. I'd say that's a keeper. I'm tempted to photograph a road sign that says Windmill Street.

  11. Oh I think that could "count" Julie! Your own private windmill - how cool is that! J x

  12. Now a real giant would be a fabulous surprise should you happen to stumble upon one ... :D

  13. What a brilliant windmill! Straight to the top of the class, I think :). And your bag is wonderfully capacious. Great find!

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