Friday 1 November 2013

My month in Numbers 2013: Communal Count #5 - November

Hi, hi.

As it's the 1st of the month it's time to dust off the abacus and wipe the calculator clean ... because we're about to start totalling up some fresh numbers for November.

If you already do join me by keeping track of one or both of the Communal Count prompts, or if you'd like to start right now then here's what to look out for during November:
I'm just waiting now for someone to tell me they've already received a Christmas card ... !!!

Julie :-)


As always...
  • you're welcome to respond to both, either or neither prompts it really is entirely up to you
  • you're welcome to interpret them however you like

  • You can combine this with your usual full Month in Numbers post OR just join in with your responses to these shorter prompts. Anything goes!
    • you can respond in a blog post / an Instagram / a tweet / OR simply in a comment on my Month in Numbers post [a link back to my blog somewhere would be lovely if you do blog it.]
    • OR ... join in with your response on my Facebook page
    • OR ... any other creative way I haven't thought of!
    • then - if it's 'pinnable' I'll pin it to the My Month in Numbers Pinterest board.
    You can then check back at the end of the month [and into the coming month] to compare notes with the others who've joined in, and once again we can see how we're similar ... and where we're a million miles apart!

    If you'd like to share the question on your own blog / social media so your friends and readers can join you - then you're very welcome to. You can simply save and use the image above [all my details are on there so you don't really need to link anything up].


    1. I rather fear that I am going to end up with zeros on all fronts until December actually arrives :). Great ideas, though.

    2. Cards in November?! I'll be very surprised if I have any to report!
      However, I am a great maker of lists ...

    3. also anticipating a 0 for cards received before December but might have some lists started

    4. When I was growing up, the first Christmas card we got every single year (usually around mid-November) was from one of my grandad's brothers. I remember he had small, super-neat handwriting, and also that he was a bachelor until he fell in love and got married for the first time in his seventies.

      Oh, random relatives...


    5. You get Christmas cards in November? Your family and friends must be super organised! I don't think one has ever arrived here before December is upon us.


    Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.