Saturday 17 October 2015

What does *your* town need? [Apart from the obvious stuff, like fezzes.]

Hi there. 

Is there something missing from your town/city? Do you ever catch yourself saying "Why don't we have ..."? or "If only we had a ....". 

Last night, at a late night opening at mima gallery, we came across a pin board asking just that question about our region. 

Why not see if you can find common ground with any of the respondents? Maybe your area could do with some of these too ... 
So far, so admirable. 'Love', 'no drugs', 'independent cinema', 'more tea shops', 'bees' ... nothing to argue with there. 

Same here with 'better housing', 'more money spent on it', 'ice cream & a jive group' and 'a printmaking studio': 
Regarding that last point - about the need for a print room - I like how someone's replied beneath it giving the address of place that has one! [The Navigator North Studios where I attended the book-binding workshop I blogged about earlier this year.] Nice to see a conversation - and a useful one at that - continuing on the board.

The next is a poignant one. Your region may not need this, but ours does. And, until this week, it had some:
After 170 years of steel-making in the area, the final steel plant closed down with a loss of over 2000 jobs. It's all still very raw. It's not surprising to find it featured here.

The same can't be said for the next suggestion that caught my eye ... clearly there was a Dr.Who fan who couldn't wait to get this one of their chest:
'Fezzes shops, fezzes, fezzes everywhere! #DrWho.'

OK, you may not feel your town needs fezzes to quite that extent ... but I bet you could get on board with this next one ...
Admit it, there's a narwhal shaped hole in your city-life isn't there [and it's an interestingly shaped hole at that.]

And finally ... I like the confidence, the ego, the unabashed certainty of this one:
After all you may complain about it ...

... you may wish it had this, that and the other.

And fezzes.

But, when it comes down to it, if your town has any chance of ever having any of those things, of ever improving, expanding, securing investment, providing for its people ...

... it really does need you to believe in it first. The rest can follow.

But tell me ... apart from you [and tea rooms and narwhals. Obviously. They're taken as read.] ... what does your town need? 



[As a side note - I'm guessing that this question feeds into mima's Localism exhibition which focuses on the history and creativity of the area, which is well worth a visit if, you're one of those people who has always wished the gallery would focus on local themes. I'm not particularly in that camp - I really love that it's attracted world-wide artists too - but I know people who would prefer a local slant and so, if that's what you've been waiting for ... it's there now, now go and see it!]. 


  1. Thank-you for bringing us such an interesting post, with such lively and thoughtful fellow inhabitants to boot :). And so sad to read in the news about the steel closures - a huge shock for everyone, with enormous consequences. Looks like your town could do with a development officer to work out how to attract new things to the area ... Here, we really need a) a cinema and b) an independent bookshop. Do you know any other university town which doesn't have one of these?

    1. I think our MP has had a baptism of fire with the steel works business - she was only elected in May and has had so much to handle. She's doing a great job.

      Our main town centre doesn't have an indie book shop either [there's a 2nd hand shop that takes uni books etc] but no indie. But we do have a cinema. [Around 20mins from home]

  2. So sad to see industries closing - it affects whole communities and way of life. I hope your area rebounds and that those loosing their jobs can find another. 2000 people though? That's a crippling number.
    On a lighter note - unintended link here - I love the post it idea and some people have a great sense of humour. Did you write zebras by any chance Julie?! As for my own area, a village shop would be good as my nearest is nearly 4 miles away.

    1. Do you know Sandie ... I didn't leave any response of my own! Probably should have!!

      I feel so fortunate to have a good set of shops [and Post Office] a short walk fom our house [around 7minutes if I'm feeling energetic!]

  3. Daylight Savings, Starbucks, ore books in the Library, and free ducted air conditioning to all homes. We have a complete lack of Fez also- so perhaps a small Fez shop or even market stall with a variety of hats because I hear Stetsons are also cool.

    1. I like a good supply of library books too. So I'm a member of 3 library regions and the one at work! Never short of reading material now!

  4. Where did that 'm' go? That should say more books- I expect we already have ore books by the dozen I live in a mining state- Perth Western Australia. (Most isolated city in the world).

  5. fabulous creativity in your town clearly - my town needs a fabulous independent café that serves brunch and is open in the evening, a roof over the main street to keep off the rain/snow and something quirky or fez related

    1. I live in a smaller town, not quite the main town where the gallery is, and I too was goign to say an indie tea room ... then I remembered there are 2 in the next small town along [about a 15 min walk] ... and I've not been to either! Maybe I should!

  6. Well, it is a well known fact that you will never go hungry in my town. Even thought it's not a huge place we have about 13 restaurants just in the high street. That's not counting the couple of Indian restaurants that only do take aways, the pubs or the independent coffee shops. I can't believe that I've never noticed our lack of fez shops - thanks for making me think of that. Next time there is a planning survey done, I'll be sure to mention it! One thing that was apparent when my son was a teenager was a lack of places to buy teenage boys' clothes and shoes. Girls have New Look, but there is no male equivalent. Once he grew out of the 'I must wear football kit or sports clothes at all times' phase we always had to venture further afield. What we could really do with is a department store. A John Lewis would do nicely if you could arrange that. Before Christmas would be good. Thanks in advance!

    1. Ha! I'll see what I can do![We have to drive to find any places to eat [we don't live in the main town] - I always think it must feel like you're on holiday if you can just stroll to a restaurant!

  7. Great post Julie! Love the quirky suggestions:) Yes we need more Fez shops here on the south coast too. Really sorry to hear about the steelworks closing down. I do hope your community can bounce back, but like Sandie says above, 2000 people is a lot to find jobs for.

  8. I am coming away with a Narwhal in a Fez image ... our little area just had a similar council invitation; some new land had been acquired for use of an existing park's expansion. The ideas were wild, weird & possible. There's a city not too far that had also lost its steel manufacturing several years ago, it has taken ALOT to re-invent itself. Maybe the out of work folks can take up some of the suggestions for new enterprise because wasn't the fez the symbol of the LAST doctor & he is the master of reinvention - there's your mascot.

  9. Love how you have made a post out of something most of us would just walk past. Go on what did you put? Was it zebra's? Or piles of books in column shapes?
    We definitely DONT need takeaways, cafes or hairdressers, we have more than enough already. A really good craft shop would be nice, free parking would be REALLY good (other local towns have it and their town centres are MUCH better).
    Actually more schools, doctors and dentists as several thousand houses are being built around the outskirts of Hucknall over the next few years (on top of the several thousand built in the last 5 or 6 years). And most are by neighbouring councils, but guess which town will be impacted by them? And very few of them are truly 'affordable'. Sorry I'm on a soapbox so shall leave before I dampen the joyous spirit of your post.

    1. Our main town centre started providing some free parking - am pretty sure it's helped. I know we often decide to 'pop into town' knowing we won't be charged extortionate amounts.

  10. We also need Narwhals's (but really, what town doesn't?).

    We live in a new-build development in Berkshire and we are in desperate need of a corner shop (its the last thing to be constructed - eta sometime next summer). Also a doctor, and a cafe would be great! We have a community centre but its missing any kind of soul. Hmmm - you have inspired me to think a bit more creatively about how I can contribute to that...

    Moving here 18 month ago from London where every amenity was within walking distance, was quite a shock. But we had no real connection to nature there, and here, there is a forrest 10 metres from our back door. So while I am completely dependant on my car for all hunting and gathering, I much prefer it this way round.

    Fabulous post xx

    1. Thanks Sas. You are the *perfect* person to inject some soul into that community centre!

  11. Brilliant question. We need completely integrated education! J suggested we need fewer traffic lights, which is true, but now he's trying to think of something more positive. Better town planners? More bookshops! A Hobbycraft! There..we're getting into it now.

    1. Funny how bookshops, craft shops and cafes are top of the list in these responses ... completely giving ourselves away!

  12. That's a great post! I loved reading your comments and scanning the photos to see what you saw. My London suburb needs a cinema back. All that is left standing is the Grade 1 listed frontage ... it's been like for that since September 2008.
    And secondary schools, oh how we need those ...
    A craft shop ...
    Decent free parking ...
    Ad infinitum ...

    1. So interesting to see how similar the responses in these comments are. Makes you wonder why town planners aren't on to it when it's clearly what people want.

  13. I remember only too well the steel plant closures around Sheffield/Rotherham when I was little (so raw, it is, I have tears running down my cheeks: 2000 people without a job? My goodness).

    Hah, the place I live in! A functioning justice system, lower murder levels, schools, hospitals (the only hospital 'for the poor' has just closed its doors), parks, libraries....the list is endless...

    And on a lighter note? Bookshops, cafes, art galleries....

    A tea shop wouldn't go amiss (with cake, obvs!)....!!

    1. Oh H, certainly puts things into perspective.

      Can't wait for you to get back to visiting real tea rooms. x

  14. We're pretty well provided for here, although we could use a good medical facility!
    Nice post. I"ve been on hiatus but am popping back in to blog land.
    Great to see you,

    1. I was wondering if anyone would respond who felt their town was doing OK - and here you are Rinda!

  15. What Cape Town needs ... hmmm ... craft shops! And bookshops. And better drivers. :)

    1. Funny how people want the same things across the world!

  16. That pin board is such a great idea! Sorry to hear about the last steel plant closing down and the impact it will have in your community. We are quite well provided for where I live but I would like a ten pin bowling alley to be re-instated. We had one once but the David Lloyd fitness centre took over the building and the bowling alley closed down. There are not enough places for family entertainment and things for teenagers to do.

    1. Yeah, it's hard finding safe places to just be young and sometimes noisy ... without people thinking you're a threat.

  17. Can't think of much our town could do with - maybe cheaper parking in the downtown area and a tea shop - not a coffee shop. Oh yeah and a scrapbooking store!

  18. Fezzes are cool! But aside from that this reminds me of a wall I took a photo of in Manchester called I ❤️ MCR and had loads of post its with the reasons why. I must blog about that sometime. Our town needs a make over and is actually getting one now which might breath some new life into it hopefully. Agree with Gail above though. It needs a scrapbook shop!


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