Monday 30 July 2012

It's A Sign: David's Paradise

Hi hi.

You might remember this recent Summertime Scavenger hunt update where I shared photos taken at the beach, well here's something else I found while I was there ...

... a rather relaxed looking Michaelangelo's David ... in Bermuda shorts spray painted on to the sea wall:
And do you know something ...  considering how this was an incredibly beautiful day complete with clear blue sky, ice cream cornets and paddling in the sea ... on a dog free beach ...

I found myself agreeing with David's sentiment whole heartedly.

Paradise indeed!

Julie :-)

[p.s: See you tomorrow for My Month in Numbers]


  1. You find the most wonderful things, Julie! I love the dog-free beach concept - we need more of 'em. Having struggled to rescue my screaming DD from an attacking dog on a beach, I am on your side here.

  2. Beautiful day and photo op! Thanks for sharing!:-)

  3. That's a fab installation !!


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