
Monday 7 October 2013

30 postcards to myself: Week 4 of LSNED

Hello, hello.

This is the final instalment of the 30 collaged postcard pages inside my Learn Something New Everyday journal. [A class hosted each September by Shimelle Laine].

While I haven't been sharing the full story behind each of the 'lessons' [that all goes on on the reverse ... in private!] I hope that you've found something interesting in them just the same. 
  • Maybe the style of the collage is something you'd like to try? 
  • Or you might want to adapt the postcard idea to fit another project - like a travel journal?
  • Maybe it shows a way you can introduce vintage supplies ... like postcards and stamps with newer patterned papers?
  • Maybe you like how it uses some scrapbooking supplies ... without being 'traditional' scrapbooking?
Whatever it is ... I hope you feel the pages were worth sharing. 

And you should absolutely feel free to take inspiration from this project and interpret the ideas in your own. 

Now here are my final 9 collaged 'lessons':

September 22nd 2013:
Mind you ... how long do you have to be asleep to still be allowed to call it a 'nap'? I think this was more like an hour long 'sleep'. Either way ... it was lovely!

September 23rd 2013:

September 24th 2013:
Do you ever get that? Where something almost immediately annoys you / makes you get all 'ranty' / makes you bizarrely over-react? I had a little of that on the day in question and I couldn't understand why ... so I did what I do best: had a little think!

I forced myself to try to work out why such a silly little thing could cause such an out-of-proportion reaction and I think I worked it out in the end.

September 25th 2013:

September 26th 2013:

September 27th 2013:
I've been letting my morning walks get away from me lately!

September 28th 2013:
'Nothing much' [even lots of different kinds of 'nothing in particular'] can be just as nice as 'something' at the weekend!

September 29th 2013:
This was a nice lesson to learn! It turns out I'm not really easy to frustrate when I'm trying to pass some knowledge or idea etc on to someone. So, if you ever need anything explaining ... I'll give it a go!

And, finally ...

September 30th 2013:
Let's hope so. But if it's not, it won't mean I'll stop giving it.
Thanks for all your comments on this project - they've been gratefully received!
I really enjoyed making the cards and while the 'lessons' themselves were a bit harder to fathom out some days that where to stick my wonky layers, they were still worth the effort!
So that's that for Learn Something New Everyday 2013 and if this made you want to join in yourself next year then don't forget to keep up-to-date over at
Before that, if you missed any of my '30 Postcards' posts you can catch up on the full set [and more!] here:
I'll be back tomorrow with something non-posty [if, after 3 weeks of Going Postal, you can imagine such a thing!]
See you then then!

If you join in with a posty post of your own:
  • let your readers know you're Going Postal [a few words of introduction is fine];
  • link up to my blog or the Going Postal Pinterest board
  • then - if you use Pinterest please consider pinning it to one of your own boards, link me up, and I'll 're-pin' it.
  • but - if you DON'T use Pinterest drop by here or my Facebook page and leave a link to your postal-themed project or story before Oct 27th and I'll add you to the board for all to share your contribution.
Any problems or questions - just get in touch. :-)


  1. I was inspired to make a postcard travel journal for an upcoming trip, this included using printables which is one of my skills to try from LSNED! Check it out here :)

  2. These are great. Especially #24.
    I haven't figured out how to share my lessons yet.


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.