Wednesday 18 September 2013

30 postcards to myself: Week 1 of Learn Something New Everyday

Hello hello.

Did you catch my previous post where I introduced my '30 postcards to myself' journal which is home to my Learn Something New Everyday lessons? In that post I shared the 'ingredients' I'd gathered together to form each of the 30 pages then, following on from those basics, I added scraps of patterned paper, tickets, journaling blocks and focal images until ... well, until I had 30 pre-decorated pages on to which I can add my 'lesson' for each day.

Some days I take direct inspiration for my topic from Shimelle's prompts [Learn Something New Everyday is a class hosted at each September] while other days I wrote whatever came to mind when I sat down to document the onset of Autumn in 30 postcards to myself.

And here's what was on my mind for the first 7 days of the project ...

Week 1

September 1st 2013:
Did you notice the tiniest sliver of postage stamp up ^^ there?  Even just a hint of perforated edge adds a nice posty touch!
September 2nd 2013:
I wanted to leave some of the original postcard on show, so tore the patterned paper to reveal the image beneath.
September 3rd 2013:  

September 4th 2013:
At the moment I have a thing for slicing into images, like the collector's card above. I love the disjointed feel it gives to have layers run off the edge of my 'canvas' like that. It's a very easy technique to give a slightly more edgy and modern feel to a design.
September 5th 2013:
I loved recording this lesson. It came after two of my friends - who don't know one another - reacted to something I told them with almost the exact same words. They both interpreted the story I'd told them as being evidence of how nice people can be, and it made me think ... their reaction really showed how nice they are that that was their immediate thought!
September 6th 2013:
This was one of my favourite old postcards in this project, so I tried not to cover over too much of it.
Also ... 'treatier' may not be a real word ... but still, I bet you know what I mean by it!
September 7th 2013: 
This nugget of wisdom came from being about to write something about the simple pleasures of eating well and watching good TV on a Saturday night ... then I remembered that I wrote the exact same thing in my LSNED journal last year!!  Well ... if it aint broke ... and all that!


Join me later this week for an entirely different posty project ...
See you then.
Julie :-) 

If you join in with a posty post of your own:
  • let your readers know you're Going Postal [a few words of introduction is fine];
  • link up to my blog or the Going Postal Pinterest board
  • then - if you use Pinterest please consider pinning it to one of your own boards, link me up, and I'll 're-pin' it.
  • but - if you DON'T use Pinterest drop by here or my Facebook page and leave a link to your postal-themed project or story before Oct 27th and I'll add you to the board for all to share your contribution.
Any problems or questions - just get in touch. :-)


  1. Love this project Julie - so vintage and cool and very you. I am racking my brains for something postal to create.

  2. Your cards are gorgeous Julie, yes very you!

  3. I love the way you are doing this using post cards

  4. I am loving what you have done so far - both with you LSNED Journal and the postcards - very "Julie" I feel! I love Montalbano - and have caught up now the the new series - THANK YOU for telling me about it - I would have missed it being on away as I was! J x

  5. Oooooooo, liking this idea VERY, very much! Jo x

  6. I think my September 7th would have to say something like Montalbano and popcorn:). Hardly as appropriately Italian as the the pannacotta. And please, I am DYING to know is you did your journalling - did you use the alphabet roller stamp you got a while ago? Gorgeous cards ...


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.