To which, half a second later, I replied 'Like, err totally, that's like a no brainer ... like, yeah I'll do it'.
[Well actually no - that may well be how Shimelle and I sometimes exchange ideas now - but not back then!] Rather, my exact reply was:'Yes please! I would love to give it a go .I'm actually lost for words and will leave it here before I get gushy and over-excited, and terrified and......thanks for making my week!'.
I know that this was my reply, verbatim, because I'm an obsessive correspondence hoarder or, as I prefer to think of it: I'm my own personal archivist! If we've ever had an interesting email / messaging conversation then chances are I've got it on record somewhere. For example, I have a total of 263 MS Word pages purely holding this year's email exchanges between myself and Brass and I haven't even finished copying over November and December's yet... and I've digressed haven't I? Where was I?

I was ridiculously satisfied to have been asked, out of the blue, after being spotted in the gallery over on the UKScrappers forum. But as there was only a seven day turnaround on the project there then followed a manic weekend of shopping for new stash and a full blown photo session especially for the layout. This involved the no small undertaking of me emptying out every T-Shirt I own and arranging all of them alongside myself on the bed with James climbing up a ladder to get the best shot!
Anyway, I put a lot of effort into my layout and my 100 words for this first piece and SI must have recognised something they liked as I've worked for them regularly ever since. I've had numerous layouts published and am nowpart of the 'Ask the Experts' Q&A team. The layout 'Today I' [one of my BoB entries] captured my feelings after sending in the first item which was really 'mine'. It was the article 'Have You Tried Ribbon Effects' where I provided all of the text and visuals.

It's a timely coincidence that published in this month's issue - my 1st Anniversay month - is the first article I've been commissioned to do which is based entirely on an original idea I put forward, one which Shimelle and Rosie [Waddicor] took a sizeable leap of faith in allowing me to carry out. I am hugely grateful for their support :) and LOVE how it all looks in print, despite it never feeling quite 'real' that that's me and my work, right there, out there!
There's also a glimpse of my favourite mini-book in there [in the Q&A section] which I intend to share with you properly, in more detail, very soon, for several reasons:
(a) because it contains some of the most wonderful quotations ever.
(b) it's made from clothes tags for goodness sake - what's not to like?
(c) it makes my heart sing every time I look at it! and
(d) it's evidence that despite my previous form ... I CAN actually complete mini-book projects!!!! :D
And, as it's our first year anniversary I think that it's only right and proper that there's some sort of gift buying to commemorate such a momentous occasion. And you know what the traditional 1st Anniversary gift is don't you?
Believe it or not it's .... PAPER!!!!!!!!!! Yes, PAPER!!!! PAPER!!!!! How stupendously appropriate!!! Now whatever should I treat myself to .... mmm let me see .....
Thanks for a great 1st year Scrapbook Inspirations. Here's to our 'cotton' anniversary in December 2009!
be the most adorable thing on the planet. and i mean that in a completely professional way.
ReplyDeletehappy anniversary indeed!
hey! it chopped off the first part! meanies!
ReplyDeleteadd 'you may' to the beginning of that!
sheesh. you just can't get the staff these days.
I bow down to your awesomeness! Seriously though, its a fab article in this months edition and here's to many more!
ReplyDeleteYay! Thanks Julie - you've been ace to work with and I can't wait for more in 2009!
ReplyDeleteI am so totally jazzed for all your exposure and successes! You totally deserve it - if we made you a permanent member of the Gauche Alchemy design team, would you accept? Cuz I'm srsly thinkin' 'bout it. :)