Friday 31 August 2012

My Month in Numbers 2012: August


Have you noticed it yet? 

That slight chill around the ankles ... that slighly lower sun ... that sudden urge to re-visit your sock drawer ... that distictly Autumnal nip in the air?

There. I've said it. It's beginning to look a lot like Autumn. In fact, I've worn all 3 of my new 'back to school' cardigans [bought for my return to my campus job next month] already.

So, it's a perfectly suitable moment to say goodbye to August by taking a look back at My Month ... in Numbers:

1st = the Olympic Gold Medal the Team GB men's coxless 4 won while we watched from the vantage point of the art gallery 3rd floor viewing deck:
Is it just me or does it seem like an aaaage ago that we were inexplicably glued to the Olympics? I had to check and re-check the date-stamp on this photo to reassure myself that it did, indeed, occur in August.

3 = the number of library books I've read:
I mentioned in this earlier post that it'd been far too long since my last trip to the library. So I rectified that and took out 5 books, so far I've read:
  • The Lying Tongue by Andrew Wilson [a great, rattling, twisty-turny, read-in-one-day thriller];
  • Come, Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant [a fabulous read, unique language and style, very quirky, gentle and funny book - highly recommended];
  •  and also Three Horses by Erri de Luca [a slight book in size, but filled with big themes].
I read them in quick succession and allowed myself to be completely absorbed, carrying my books everywhere I went. Yes. Everywhere ...

Then ... when I uploaded some recent photos on to my laptop ... look what I found while I was there:
A sneaky photo of me reading in the garden.  Taken through the dining room window. Without me realising.

Clearly James has been up to his paparazzi tricks again!

2 = the number of charity bags filled with the results of a long overdue wardrobe clear-out :
Last month when I mentioned how I'd been shredding old paperwork, it brought on a deluge of responses from people who'd been doing the same. So, if July was Communal Shredding Month I'm wondering ... was August a Clearing-out-and-getting-rid-pre-Autumn Clean for you too?

0 - 8= the items gracing one of our bedroom walls - before and after a little re-jigging and re-styling.

Before [roughly how it's looked for around 6 years or so]:
And now after:
Granted, it's not a gigantic change, but I tend to keep the bedroom really simple and light and as non-distracting-from-sleep as possible, so this is about as 'decorated' as I'm willing to go for now.

12 = the number of pieces of 'best' jewellery now on display [they're now inside the pin-board box frame, as seen on the left of the photo above]:
Having them so easily accessible, rather than in a jewelley box in a drawer, is already working. I've worn 4 different pairs of earrings in the last 5 days.

10 = the number of dresses I can now safely hang on my new metal wall hook:
Believe it or not [you know how I love clothes] this is the only wardrobe in the room.

And we share it!

Until that hook went up, I had to hang up [some of] my dresses on a make-shift Heath Robinson-esque construction of coat hangers precariously hooked over the top of the wardrobe.

It was a death trap. They frequently tilted, slid, collided, collapsed and fell off. All at once. With an almighty clatter, sending coathanger shrapnel and patterned dresses everywhere.

Imagine Jenga, or Kerplunk ... but with frocks ... and you'll be on the right track.

Oh and yes, that photo above reminds me ...

2 = the number of original 50s pin-up girl posters I've been kind enough to allow James to hang in the bedroom. If you coul dsee them in real life you'd know that, when the door's open ... you can't actually see them.

Whether or not there's any truth to the rumour that I've been leaving the door open more often than usual ... well ... I couldn't possibly comment ... ;-)

35 = the number of bloggers who pulled themselves up to their full height and then shared it with us all during The Height of Summer series.

33 = the new-to-me old books I've given a home to this month:
There are only 30 in this photo because I only bought the last 3 this morning and haven't yet taken a photo.

At this rate I could create my own 'A Vintage Book A Day' desk calendar ...

And finally ...

107 = the total number of my products which I took to a real life bricks & mortar shop, just this morning! I'm renting out some display space in a new local tea-room / craft shop / workshop - my first venture into selling my products off-line! But enough of that for now ... it's a moment which deserves a post of its own. And it shall have one, next week for, as all good bloggers should ... I took my camera!

Rightio - over to you. If you're counting along too this month, the usual rules apply:
The Month in Numbers 'etiquette':If you write a post and want to leave a link for myself and others to visit and/or pin it to the dedicated Pinterest board please bear in mind it has a shared experience aspect to it.
  • When you swing by my blog to drop off a link to your Month in Numbers post - please leave a comment for me while you're there. Not because I'm needy ... but because it feels fair. Reciprocal.
  • Please link to my blog in your post. As much as I'd like to think that everyone who reads your blog already knows what 'My Month in Numbers' means... the truth is, they don't. So unless you explain where the idea comes from and how your readers can join you in doing the same next month, they are none the wiser.
  • Please take time at some point in the month to visit and comment on a few of the other posts too.
Thanks for dropping by today.
Hang on to your hats/socks/cardigans Mr.September ... because here we come ...

Thursday 30 August 2012

The Height of Summer: How did we all measure up?

Hello, hello.

When I first pondered turning my little idea into a full-blown interactive silly summertime series about height ... I hoped you'd 'get' it. I guessed you'd 'get' it. I wanted you to 'get' it.

And boy, did you ever!

Let me tell you, if you think your email inbox is strange, you haven't seen anything until you wake up to 5 messages from people you've never met telling you how tall they are.

And I've loved it. Thanks so, so much!

I'll try not to ramble-on too much because, there's not a lot of need to. Judging by the comments I've received and which I know you all have [I've been reading them] I think we've all had a great time sharing or tales.

Let me try to summarise what we can take away from it:
  • I'm pretty certain we know more about each other than when we began;
  • we've discovered new connections between ourselves;
  • we've discovered new empathies; such as realising that the tallest and the smallest alike both struggle to find clothes to fit and have felt self-conscious about their size;
  • we learned that many of us hadn't been measured in a long, long time until this month when some of us discovered we'd grown ...
  • ... while others found just the opposite.
  • we've been privileged to glimpse into your family's lives with some wonderful group photos, wedding photos, photos of your children and your children's height charts being shared.
So thank you. Thank you!

But now for something I wasn't expecting:

I always knew it would be interesting for all of us who've never met but, something I didn't consider was the quality entertainment which bubbled up between those of you who actually already have met!
  • All those 'are you sure you're that tall?' and 'I'm pretty sure we're the same height and I'm not that tall' friendly accusations ...
  • Your vying for position, arranging yourselves in order ...
  • and the occasional calls for a re-match / re-measure .... where I feared I'd have to play referee ...
... they've all been fab to read through!

And finally, before the big reveal ....

Here's all the things I didn't take into account when creating the height-chart:

I didn't allow you to sneak into your measurements ...
  • any hats you were wearing ... 
  • the kind of flooring you were standing on ... or
  • the quality of your root-lifting shampoo ...
Neither did I accept:
  •  Any of the 'and three quarters'; 'and a half'  or 'and a bit' extras you added on.
For one; I could never have arranged you on the chart accurately ... plus ...
  • If I'd counted up all of those 'bits' you tried to offer, I could have made up an entirely new blogger who'd have been taller than us all!
So, with that in mind ... allow me to introduce the one ... the only Height of Summer Contributor Height Chart:

Here's who's who & where you can find them:


5’11 We had no takers for the 5'11 spot! Is there a shortage? [Pardon the pun].


5’ 9
Deanna ;

5’ 8

5’ 7
Mel ;

5’ 6
Melissa ;

5’ 5
Rinda ;

5’ 4
Mel ;

5’ 3
Helena ;
Denise ;
Alison ;

5’ 2
Sian ;
Lythan ;
Alexa ;
Nathalie ;

5’ 1
Abi ;
Debs14 ;

5’ 0 Sue ;

Kirsteen ;

So there you have it. Any surprises? Relief? Conclusions? Observations?

I'd love to hear them!

Personally I'm wondering about the most frequent height being 5'2: my height. Is that just a coincidence ... or did I somehow tempt out more people who thought 'Yeah? Me too?, 'I don't know.

But I do know it's been great fun and a true pleasure to have had your company.

Shoulder to shoulder. Shoulder to ear. Shoulder to elbow. Whichever it was ... it was fun!

Thanks again.


Wednesday 29 August 2012

Art Journaling: The Heart of a King

Hi, hi.

Before I share another size-related art journal page .... a small warning ...

If you wanted to see your smiling face on the Height of Summer height chart I'm putting together - to see where you measure-up amongst all those who've joined in so far - you only have one day left. Today in fact [or early tomorrow, depending on when I get up and how busy my Thursday is!].

I'll be closing The Height of Summer and blogging the finished height chart on Thursday [30th Aug 12] to make room for Friday's Month in Numbers and clearing the decks for a new month ahead. So - if you want to be on the chart, but don't have time for a post, just leave me your height in the comments.

Of course, if you liked the idea, and planned to post something at a later date, I'll still swing by to admire your stature / sympathise with your lack of it.

Now let's move on to the arty bits where today's size-related quote is one I'm certain you'll recognise:
The woman illustration is from the size chart in the back of a Gudrun Sjoden catalogue. Much like with Jack Wills I [a] love the clothes; [b] can't really afford them but [c] adore the style of the catalogues and frequently cut them up for my journaling instead!

I used [very old rub-ons] for the titling and the floral elements:
While the washi tape is from Hobbycraft's new decorative tape range - which I was pleasantly surprised to find in there last week. [Oh, before you think that this is an advert, let me assure you it isn't! I'm not paid to tell you about their tape. I bought it with my own money. Wait .. no ... that's a lie, James actually treated me. But he really did buy it with his own money!].

The patterned paper is available from 3DJean  [OK, that is something I didn't pay for it ... it was in my DT package this month!]
The 'This order has been checked as correct' sticker must have come from a parcel I've received ... I can't remember! And the snippet about 'stateliness' came from a vintage architecture book which has come in very useful when looking for phrases about size and scale during this series.

And here's the finished effect:
Click to visit the Pinterest board filled with everyone's contributions.
I know this post has already got a touch unwieldy ... but I just need to sneak in some extras before I go ...
I want to answer a couple of questions left for me lately - both on topics I could [and maybe should] elaborate on at a later date ... but I didn't want to leave them hanging until then ... so here's the short version of my answers:
  • Q: How long does it actually take you to find appropriate bits of text from real actual books? 'Cos I love the way you do that and I totally want to steal - er, I mean, be inspired by - the idea, but when I tried to find one particular word I got bored and fed up after about 40 minutes of flicking through pages. It wasn't even a tricky word.
  • A: I don't often sit and try to find a specific word. It's usually the other way around: I'll browse a few books [possibly chosen as I know the themes are similar] then see if anything leaps out at me. Like I said above - I flicked through an architecture book to find a quote about scale. I rarely have the finished phrase in mind when I begin - I like to let what I find surprise me!
  • Q: When you use vintage ephemera on your pages, do you worry about the archival qualities of the elements you are using, or isn't it really a big deal? I have a few older items such as dictionary pages I would like to use, but wonder if they will stand the test of time. Maybe it isn't much of an issue? I'm curious what others think.
  • A: As I sell vintage paper I guess I need to have this as a Frequently Asked Question section ... but until then here's the condensed response. In short: it's not a big deal to me at all, I don't mind how my pages will fare in the future, my main pleasure is derived from the 'making' rather than the preserving for the future aspect. I consider it my hobby / creative activity in my 'here-and-now' and so, my attitude toward archival issues is entirely laidback.That said - all the photos I use are prints - so there's nothing precious there to deteriorate.
I hope I've at least addressed the basic principles behind those questions ... thanks for asking them. They've given me lots of food for thought on future topics to tackle!
Right, I really am clearing off now ... see you tomorrow.
Julie :-)

Monday 27 August 2012

Art Journaling: Long books + large cuppas

Hello, hello.

I gave myself a few days off from anything even remotely work related last weekend and instead I  devoured several library books. And I loved every minute of it!

So here's an appropriately bookish page from my journal:
The cute bespectacled tea-drinker is cut from a sheet of Jon Burgerman wrapping paper [an artist who I once corresponded with in an attempt to persuade him to go into production of scrapbook paper / stamps. But alas, he never did!]

Meanwhile the quotation ...
... is from C.S Lewis [an author who I once corresponded with in an attempt to persuade him to write about a lion, a witch and a ... no, hang on ... no, that wasn't me.]
And the tea cup is cut from a box of tea bags which was too nice to throw away without saving at least a little bit [see, I told you I used food packaging in my crafting].
Oh and, before I go ...
As regular readers here will know, some of my favourite long, tea assisted, books of recent times have been Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies - and I know some of you have also been reading the. So I wanted to check ... have you heard about the TV adaptation?
Of course I'll be watching ... but with great trepidation! What if they ruin in? Tell me they won't ruin it? And really - only 6 hours long?? For both books? Around 1100 pages? How much screen-time does that work out as per page? Oh dear ... maybe I should be saving this for Friday's Month in Numbers ...
Can you tell the news has thrown me a bit? Perhaps I need to sit down with a nice cuppa ...
Julie ;-)

Friday 24 August 2012

Scrapbooking with Plundered Pages: One of Yours?

Hi, hi, hi.

I've spent much of the week cutting into dozens of vintage books in order to create the Autumn range of Plundered Pages packs [I also, almost accidentally, created another, brand new, art-journaling inspired range while I was there ... but that's a story for another day!] ... back to Plundered Pages ...

Yes, so, I've had some quality time with old books and a blade this week which has led to:
  • fewer paper cuts than you might imagine;
  • zero craft knife accidents;
  • as much sneezing as you might imagine and;
  • as many delayed meals as anyone who gets as absorbed as I do in some tasks will recognise!
It's also meant that I thought it was a good time to share another scrapbook page I've made using the kinds of vintage paper items which go into my Plundered Pages. Not only to prove that vintage items are something I use, and love, in my own crafting, above and beyond creating the packs for you too ... but also ...

... because I was very touched that several of you left comments on my recent layout posts telling me you'd actually missed me sharing my pages here. That came as a surprise. A nice one, but a surprise just the same!

So here's my latest:
That figure heading off down to the sea is my Dad.

He didn't know I took that photo at the time. He will now I guess!

Hello Dad.

As I watched him wander off toward the waves, where there was a large ship on the horizon, I wondered if he was remembering his time in the shipbuilding industry ... which is where the vintage pages come in to their own:
Buttons: 3DJean ¦¦ Cloud sticker: Echo Park
As you can probably tell, the flags, taken from an old encyclopedia, depict various shipping companies one of which I'm pretty convinced he actually used to work for! [I'm sure he'll let me know ... by text ... any minute now ...].

Once I'd found such a perfectly appropriate page, I was more than happy ... but still went on to seek out a few extra, complimentary, items as I generally like to use at least 3 instances of the same element on my pages as it:
  • [a] balances things out and ...
  • [b] helps prevent the 'sneeze effect' as my friend Jan would call it: where items look out of place and randomly, aimlessly, sneezily, thrown down on the page!
So next  I added in a little snippet about sea conditions, from the same encyclopedia:
And then I turned to my vintage postage stamp collection and found something suitably nautical to tuck beneath my photo:
Wooden disc: The Range ¦¦ Metal charm: The Ribbon Girl
 Then finally I snipped some wording from a 1970s children's comic to add to the top amongst some appropriate phrases on the backing paper [Studio Calico, Heyday]:
I made the triangle / wave design by inking over just the top section of this Christmas Tree mask 
And the finished result again [to prevent you scrolling back up again and getting carpal tunnel syndrome. See how I take care of you?]:

Right then, I'm off to make my dining table vanish beneath oceans of vintage paper. And I'm not coming up for air until I've turned them into a new selection of Plundered Pages.

click to browse all available Plundered Pages
I'll see you soon ...


Tuesday 21 August 2012

Art Journaling: A Short Guide to Avoid Errors in Scale

Hi, hi, hi.

Ahhh ... I must have been rather imperious and commanding in my previous post [or else I sounded desperate ... either/or] because several more of you have thrown your heights and height-related posts at me since.

There's even a few more 'perfectly in the middle' types [that's for those of you who took exception to the term 'average';-)] and tall ladies revealing themselves too. Meaning that that height chart I'm compiling is now filling out nicely with lots more of you sitting up there above me. [While you're there ... I should mention that yes, my hair needs dyeing. I hope my roots aren't too distracting for you ...].

Today's journal page begins with a combination of some rub-ons I've had for a million years and a phrase plundered from an old architectural book, all swiftly followed by a Shakespearean quotation [because there's very little in life which you find yourself wanting to say ... but which good old Will hasn't already said. Better. Much, much better.]
The quote's taken from A Midsummer Night's Dream and goes thusly:

Though she be but little ... she is fierce ...
The super-cute bunny - who I've customised here - is from this digi-printable from Kirsty Neale
 I can't imagine why that particular phrase appealed to me ...

And what page would be complete without some zebra-print washi tape?
And here's how it all hangs together on the full page:
I don't think Kirsty will mind me toughening up her bunny girl in the name of art-journaling and Shakespeare!

Thanks for swinging in today.

Julie :-)


Click to visit the initial Height of Summer post for more ideas on how to join in: 
But, if you just want to get yourself on the height chart ... you just need to leave me a comment with your height and then I'll go grab your blog avatar to use.

Monday 20 August 2012

Art Journaling: Little is as little does


No small talk today ... I'm just going to come straight out and ask:

So how big are you then?
If you haven't yet shared your vital height statistics as part of this yet:
... fear not as there's plenty of time to join in before the month's out [click image for details].  And you'll be in illustrious company ...

At the time of writing there are:
  • 8 contributions, alongside my own, now pinned to the 'Height of Summer' Pinterest board - thanks ladies!
I've really enjoyed is seeing the comments left on these posts by regular readers of those bloggers who've joined in. Because there tha've been sharing their own heights and height-related tales completely outside of anything to do with me!

It makes me smile to know there's lots of people carrying on the conversation!

There's also:
  • 14 of us arranged on the height chart I'm making from all those who've shared theirs in a blog post or in my comments. For a sneak peek ... check out this image which I posted to my Facebook page today.
It's funny to see how all of our respective heights are measuring up [yes, I did go there. I did make that pun]! But I'm getting the feeling that this isn't going to be a scientific study!
  • Apart from a few outliers the majority of those who've responded to my call are of a similar height to me [5'2];
  • there's only one, so far, who fits into the 'average woman' slot [5'4];
  • I'm thinking the responses so far have been a bit self-selecting and that I've touched an all-be-it-petite nerve out there;
  • I'm wondering if I've started a movement in small folk ...
  • I'm hoping I haven't scared the tall ones off!
You're all welcome to join in ... I'm non-heightist ... I want to be able [with the aid of the occasional stool / step-ladder] to look you all in the eye!
But, if you're still coy about revealing all  ...

... in my original Height of Summer post I reckoned that there are all kinds of creative ways you can join in WITHOUT HAVING TO SHARE A PHOTO OF YOURSELF ... so I created an art journal page to prove it!
It was inspired by my childhood animosity towards anyone who called me small [which I shared in this post] plus ... that 'Oversized' label which came attached to a t-shirt I bought last week! [How could I not make use of that?!].

And I decided upon the idea that 'Little is, as little does':
Because even us below-averagers can do big things!


I've got a few more height-related journal pages and a scale-related scrapbook page to share before the series ends ... and I must dig out some more photos too.

And now it's your turn ...leave a comment, blog ... share ... whatever ...  and I'll add your avatar to the height chart and/or the Pinterest board.

Julie :-)

Thursday 16 August 2012

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt: the town centre edition

Hello, ahoy, greetings.

Here's another update on my scavenger hunt - [for all the details on it hop over to Gallo Organico to visit Rinda who is mistress of the hunt!]

If you remember my post a week or so ago about the day the fountains stood still then the town square featuring in today's post will already be familiar to you.

I did wonder if I'd ever find a suitable photo for this next category and then I remembered that, alongside the [dry, non-fountainy] fountain ... there's this ...

12. A maze, labyrinth or trail:
They're steel plates set into the ground which wind alongside the art gallery, law courts and Town Hall in all kinds of abstract designs.

Many a morning have I strolled across it on my way to my university job and it can be slightly treacherous on a wet or frosty day. [Walking across frozen plate steel I mean. Not the uni job!].

It's one of those kinds of trails that you do tend to follow along the shape of it as you walk, perhaps without even realising. Even though you could cut across the grass at any angle, you somehow get pulled along by the path as it's set out for you:
Frustratingly the small building in the centre of the photo [above] is a registry office ... you know ... where people get married ... which I'd have put good money, on a mid-summer Saturday morning would have had at least one happy couple milling around it!

But no. Not a one. Which leaves Number 16. A bride still firmly on my list of photos still to find!

This next one however, was easier to cross off the list. Seeing how it's been in the town square for precisely 100 years, I knew where to go looking for it ...

13. A library:
It's a Carnegie-built library currently celebrating its Centenary year ... and I really ought to visit its shelves more often.  A morning spent re-acquainting myself with its fine selection of literary novels  is on my list of things to do before Summer's out.

And finally ... but unsurprisingly not on the list ...

When I spun around from taking the photos of the library this is what I saw:
Sir Samuel Alexander Sadler, one of the founders of the chemical industry in the area ... avidly watching the Olympics live on the big screen from his perfect vantage point.

It's like they built the screen there just for him!

Right then, I've only 4 more scavenger hunt photos to find now and I'm done!

And if I can find someone dancing while buying something from a roadside stand being served by a bride in a hammock ... then I'm golden!

Julie :-)

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Scrapbooking + thinking about deadlines ...+ paradise

Hi, hi.

There's something to be said for deadlines. Without them, not only would I not get any work done ... I'd not get any scrapbooking done either. And we can't have that!

Today's project comes courtesy of it being my turn to post a Design Team project over on the 3DJean blog and so, after what fees like weeks ... I got back on the scrapping-horse during the crop last Saturday, to make this from a new range of papers Jean has in stock:
Someone asked about the little guy on the left - he's a 'Pointy Hat Chap' by Cathy Cullis
I shared this photo, of graffiti on a sea wall, here a fortnight ago, but I liked it and its quote "In this place I have found my paradise" so much I decided to scrap with it too.

And, naturally I found an appropriate old page to plunder - in this case it's an encyclopedia entry on Michelangelo which mentions David:
[Seen here in Bermuda shorts which, I don't think he was wearing on the original marble sculpture ...]
Anyway, all this working to deadlines ... and scrapping ... and blogging ... and making paper packs ... and getting small business advice ... and planning a website ... and contemplating how I'll fit it all in once my part-time Uni job kicks in again soon ... and, just tonight, announcing to a smiling and nodding James the very latest entry on my [long, long] Things I Love To Do And Would Like To Be Paid For Doing Them list ...

... all of it has reminded me of a piece of advice I read sometime ...

It went something like: that to identify your passion, the thing you ought to be doing in life, the dream you should follow ... you should ask yourself what it is you do [or would do] willingly for free. And then do that.

[Disclaimer: I don't think sleeping late, wandering about in pyjamas and eating cheese all day counts. More's the pity.]
So, I guess I'll just have to start a new list titled: The Kinds of People Who Might Just Pay Me To Do That Thing I Love To Do ... and see how far I get!

How about you?
  • Where do you find your paradise?
  • What do you love to do ... and wish you could make a living from? and ...
  • Have you ever dressed a statue from classical antiquity in modern swimwear?
Let me know ...

Julie x

Sunday 12 August 2012

Guest designing for Stitching on Paper

Hello, hello.

You know my long time internet pal Clair Rigby, right? Well, if you don't, you should ... because all throughout August [while I'm messing about trying to get you to blog about your height] she's actually offering paper-crafters something useful ...

Clair's creates a free 'how to' class, full of tips, step-by-steps and inspiration all based around stitching on paper which she's called ... Stitching on Paper. Because she's sensible like that.

Her tutorial yesterday - which you can read and download here - was all about incorporating stitching with stamping ... and, as I was one of the guest designers for this topic here's a closer look at my contribution.

'Essential Summer Wear':
The most basic stitching on the page is the frame around all four sides. I stitched this in two different shades of thread:
And no ... the stitching is not perfect, or neat, or enviable in any way ... but, it does follow one of the cardinal crafting rules that I live by:
  • Do something wonky, splodgy, splattery, smudged or just plain wrong once ... and it's called a mistake.
  • Repeat it, do it again elsewhere on the page ... deliberately ... and then it's called a design element. 
I reckon that's how Jackson Pollock started ...

Anyway, back to the stamping and stitching.
  • I stamped several different decorative borders on to different patterned papers and vintage book papers;
  • then I trimmed around them and put a tiny scrap of tape on the back, just to hold them in place on the layout;
  • I then ran the whole page through the machine using a contrasting top thread:

I have a few approaches as to what to do with the ends of the thread once I've cut them free from the machine.
  1. If there are two loose ends close to one another I sometimes tie them together, in a knot. It's what I've done in the top left of the frame design on this layout [as seen in the 2nd photo ^ up there];
  2. If I'm after a neater finish I push/pull them through the paper and hide them on the back;
  3. But more often than not I just trim them down and leave them on show:
As well as using stitching as a means of layering-up stamped border elements, I also added some rows of thread to use a line guides for my stamped title:
And for my journaling:
And, what page of mine would be complete without a spot of plundering some old pages to create an appropriate phrase:
... or two:

Fortunately I haven't had to use my rain mac in anger very much at all since making this page. But sshhhh ... don't tell the weather that I said that .... just in case.

Don't forget to head over to Clair's to read more about Stitching on Paper and pick up a few tips and I'll see you soon.

With another layout.

I know ... they're like buses ...

Julie :-)

Papers: Papermania 'Happy Days' stack
White paint: 'Picket Fence' Distress Stain
Journaling block: Studio Calico 'Take Note'
Label sticker: Jillibean Soup 'Soup Labels'
Stamps: 'Summer' is stamped in a lovely set by Kars called 'Bold Alphabet' - which also has tiny number stamps in it ... the Holy Grail of stamps for me! 
Vintage papers: from my shop [for 10% off your order use the code: GOODTHINGS10 at the checkout until 17.08.12 ]