Wednesday 22 April 2009

Let's agree to just call them 'birds' shall we?

A few weeks ago I bought this pack of iron-on transfers from Forty Four, one of my favourite shops in Lincoln. There are 30 sheets in the booklet, each one filled with designs, by the artist Mike Perry. They include things like alphabets; houses; pencils; thumb tacks; gems; trees; abstract [weird!] doodles; patterns and even a tank! After much [much] deliberation I decided to make a little scene featuring the cute patterned birds and a few of the many speech bubbles included in the pack.
Once I was happy with the arrangement of the pieces I did the scary bit: the ironing-on bit. I'll admit that my technique was a bit erratic and I the final result was a little imperfect here and there where I moved the iron and the design moved too! But I like it ... what do you reckon? Now you've seen it, allow me to get something off my chest regarding the positioning of the little birds ...

... the positioning of the little birds over particular parts of my anatomy was entirely unintentional and yet, with hindsight it has been noted as somewhat appropriate . However, to save you the effort, all the jokes and comparisons with my aformentioned body parts and any small birds whose names begin with 't' and rhyme with 'bits' have already been made ... mainly by me! You can rest your grubby mind for the time being!

Anyway are some close-ups - of the birds!!! [Although if you are of a nervous disposition - yes, that means you Jo - be warned that they are also close-ups of my chests too!]

The t-shirt was a £3:00 bargain so I didn't mind experimenting with it. I cut around around the neck, sleeves and bottom edge, trimming away a strip of fabric to get that nice rolled effect that that raw-edged jersey has. I then hand-stitched some lengths of it back on using gold thread, [which always makes me think of the tale of Rumpelstiltskin!] to give the birdies something to sit on while they have a natter. I was going to stitch words on to their speech bubbles only I couldn't think of what gingham and polka dot birds would be discussing!Considering that the whole pack of tranfers was only £6.95 and I've barely used 2 sheets I'm really pleased that I could create a unique item for less than £10:00 and still have 28 sheets left to play with. As if I ever needed an excuse to buy any more t-shirts I've been wandering round the shops fro a fortnight assessing new ones for their iron-on worthiness and am now even considering titivating some light coloured underwear with the odd transfer here and there!

Sorry, have I brought the tone down again? Yes? OK, then I might as well tell you this ...

While talking about my t-shirt to James I referred to the little feathered folk on it as 'my dick-dicks', to which he replied 'Your what?'. But 'dick-dicks' is a term for 'birds' [like 'dickie birds'??] which I remember my grandmothers and great aunts using when I was little. I've even heard it used since, mainly by Gail, who runs the crop I attend, who is often producing incredible craft items featuring one of her favourite subjects : birds. In fact, they even feature in her cover project on the latest Craft Stamper magazine here, although, I note, that they've called them 'birdies' ... not 'dick-dicks'.

And, perhaps it's safer that way.

Because, when I wanted to double check that other people did indeed use the colloquial term 'dick-dicks' for our winged friends , I did what I always do when I want a quick answer to a specific question ... I Googled it. Yep. I. Googled. The. Term. 'Dick-Dicks'!!!!

And, one day very soon I'll recover from what that search returned to me. Any day now ...


  1. They look great and the positioning looks fab. Unless you have wonky 'bits' then you are safe from the jokes.

  2. Genius! As always :) x

  3. I reckon I like it too - a lot!
    Nope! Never heard of the colloquial term 'dick-dicks' but might I suggest that the gingham and polka dots birds might possibly be discussing the whereabouts of my Treacle!? It's almost feasible... :D

  4. Love the t shirt! The talking birds? It'll just be tittle-tattle

  5. Oh god, why did I feel the need to google it too? I should have known...
    Fab T-shirt though.

  6. You're a brave girl!!

  7. Great stuff! You did a fab job with the t-shirt! Loving the cute birdies!
    Never heard of the term 'dick dicks' before, but its kinda cute..summat my 4 yr old would say.
    Now, you have got me wandering what on earth gingham and polka dot birds would discuss.....

  8. Love the T-shirt and thankyou for the plug :)
    Angela x

  9. Delicious post and T-Shirt - looking forward to seeing what you do with them next! I expect the birdies are just tweeting...

  10. Your search must have been as good as my husbands venture into ornithology when he googled 'great tits'!

  11. The tshirt looks great. I found your sight after my first attempt.
    I found that the transfers came off a little blurry...did you?


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