I've got a smidge of news for you this fine October morning.
Some of you will remember that this time last year Kirsty Neale and I began promoting '12 Days: A Copy + Paste Christmas' our series of 12 online workshops to get you in the mood for a handmade-Christmas.
Some of you even joined us. [So I'm really hoping that you remember it at least!!].
Well, we've decided to re-run those same classes once again this year [click on image for full details]:

- A year on we're still both really proud of the projects we created for it and we gladly stand by the quality of our 12 stand-alone, full photo, download tutorials.
- We truly loved the cosy community feel we - and our great participants - achieved on the password protected blog.
- During the year we've gained new blog readers [of our individual blogs and via Copy+Paste] and no doubt a scattering of new folk have seen our work in various magazines. We'd like to offer them the opportunity to join in with us this year.
To those who took the class last year ... firstly and most importantly ... thank you. You were amazing!
Your interactions on the secure blog and your discussions of the class on your own blogs were more than we'd have dared hope for. And your feedback meant the world to us.
I've compiled the responses you gave to our feedback questionnaire and think that your words are the best way to summarise the workshops for those thinking of signing up this time round. So here goes ...
[You can click on the photos for a larger view]. Here are the responses when we asked for 3 words to describe the atmosphere, content and style of the projects:And here's some general feedback:
While we'd have dearly loved to bring out a shiny new class this Christmas, it just wasn't possible. However ...
... we have decided on the name, theme and purpose of our NEXT CLASS which we will be delivering in early 2011. [Although right now '2011' seems like a ridiculous date to be writing down ....]
So, if you feel like joining in with us this year hop over here to see what it involves ...and then join us! You're more than, more than welcome. We'd love to see you there.
As a special incentive - in our guest posts on the Papercraft Inspirations blog party this weekend - there'll be a code for a little something extra which Kirsty had prepared for anyone who signs up to the 12 Days class this year. So keep your eyes peeled on the Papercrafts blog [I may even post a link to it here once it's appeared on there ... so check back here too, so you don't miss out!].
OK then, enough of the festive planning for now, back to reality ... back to the man downstairs who's re-plastering my dining room ceiling. [It's OK, we have asked him to come and do it ... he hasn't just wandered in to do a bit of guerilla decorating ... ].
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