Thursday 24 November 2011

News of 'Featuring' Magazine.

Hello, hello.

Ifyou like mixed media, art journaling, general arty-paperyness .... and magazines ... then stick around, as I come bearing good news.

'Featuring Magazine' is a brand new international, quarterly, print magazine due for launch in Spring 2012:

'Featuring is the creation of Marit Barentsen and here's how she describes it:

"This magazine wants to provide a stage for all kinds of artists. With each issue, we seek to bring our readers a view on creativity in all its forms. The focus will be mainly on art journaling and mixed media, but other types of art will be highlighted as well. FEATURING wants to bring a  spectrum of art-related articles and stories. You will also enjoy seeing pages jammed with collaborative projects, glimpses of studios, interviews, background stories, layouts, paintings, photos, poetry and much, much more!"

So, does that sound like something you'll be interested in?

I hope so.

Because my application to be part of the Featuring launch team was accepted this week and I'm going to be starting work on it very soon!
It's all very new and exciting so there's not much more I can add right now really, except ...

I really need to thank Sian for being thoughtful enough to send me the link to the call for team members in the first place. Thank you Sian. So much. x

As a way to pay Sian's thoughtfulness forward I'd like to point you toward the Submissions page of the site which contains the details of how you can submit your own work to the magazine.  I'd be thrilled to see you there.

[If you need some extra encouragement and guidance on how to submit to a magazine, then here's the post about doing just that from my Design-Team curious series. I don't know anything about submitting to Featuring - other than what's on the site - so, that's the best place for you to get the details right now.]

OK then, here endeth my big news. I'm going to scurry away and get all shy about it now ...

I'll be back out of my shell very soon no doubt! See you then.

Julie x


  1. Big congrats Julie! This sounds like an amazing opportunity and I will be sure to check that submission page as soon as I get back home!

  2. Congratulations. I shall avoid submitting (for a while at least) I've only ever tried twice and both times the mag folded very shortly afterwards! Ho hum.

  3. Well done - you'll do a great job! Love a bit of happy news :)

  4. Whoooo hoooooo well done you. Ive been thinking about dipping my toe in the inky waters journalling and mixed media but dont.know.where to start. Will watch with interest

  5. Hurray! I'm absolutely delighted to hear this piece of excellent news xx I just know you will work some magic for them

  6. Congratulations Julie. Ooh I do like the sound of this magazine!

  7. Well done, you. You're sure to be an excellent addition to the team!

  8. congratulations Julie, lovely news xx

  9. Very many congratulations to you Julie :)

  10. Brilliant news - so pleased for you :0)

  11. Fantastic news and I am thrilled for you! Alexa

  12. Congratulations. I've not heard about this before and it sounds like a great project. Look forward to seeing it in print.

  13. Congratulations Julie! I look forward to seeing what you create :)

  14. Congratulations Julie! That's brilliant news.


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