Wednesday 27 March 2013

Push-Up Bra Blogging [3]: with guest Caroline South

Hello you.

Last week - the first week of Push-Up Bra Blogging - I set out what's possibly my blogging manifesto ... and which could be yours too: to blog what you want to blog, what feels like you, what benefits you and what makes you smile.

Because really, that's half the battle towards blogging more consistently: when it's fun to do, when it represents you accurately and sincerely, when you feel it's having a positive effect on your self-esteem and sense of creativity and community ... then it's far easier to set time aside to blog!

Someone who I feel has balanced all of this so beautifully is Caroline South and so ... I asked her to share 'The Caroline South Approach' to blogging with us all today.

It's an approach which any of us can feel inspired by ... and which mothers of young children can feel doubly so!

Hi I'm Caroline and I have a blog called 'scraps of us' where I share my family adventures and everyday life.

I like to use my little space as an online journal...

... capturing little snapshots of our everyday happenings, as something I can look back on later on.

My posts are usually made up of lots of photos, with just a little text.

I pretty much always have my camera to hand and just snap things around me, whether that's out and about ...
... or just at home.

Sometimes I will share snippets of our home, the occasional crafty make or my latest vintage finds ...

... really I just try to capture whatever happens to be going on that I feel I want to record and share.

I don't generally plan ahead on my blog and just use my latest photos as the basis for a post. I tend to just upload any photos I have and pick out any I think are suitable,that way when I have time to put a post together I have the photos ready and just need to add a few words to explain what they're about and remind me of the details.

I might then put together a few different pictures and use them in a round up of my week...

... adding a simple explanation for each picture or if we go somewhere different I might just pick out a few pictures that I feel best sum up the day and just add a few words.

I find blogging in this way, with lots of images, works well for me as I already have the photographs so I can put a post together fairly quickly and easily.

I don't feel the need to write lots as I like my pictures to tell the story and I'm much more of a visual person than a wordy one. Writing lengthy posts is something I would struggle with and would take lots of time - something I don't have much of with the little ones.
That's one of the things I love about blogging, just doing bits here and there when I have a moment.
I love how I am not only keeping a journal for myself to remember our days, but I am able to share it all with other lovely fellow bloggers and like minded people and I have made some great friends in the process.
To see more of Caroline's beautiful photographs and her inspiring, graceful, life-documenting style and her eye for retro treasure make sure to visit:
Thank you so much for sharing your approach with us Caroline!
I'd love to hear what you feel you can take from Caroline's approach ...
  • can you see yourself using it to blog more efficiently or confidently in future?
  • was there anything that's made you ponder ... or change your mind about blogging?
It would be great if you could leave some support for her in the comments here  or on her own blog.
And while you have a think ... I'll be back soon with another approach to help you make the most of your precious blogging-time and energy!
Catch up on all the posts of the Push-up Bra series so far by clicking the image above ... and ...

I'm hoping to convert this blog series into £500 worth of aid for children worldwide and if everyone who reads my blog in one day threw just £1 into the pot we'd reach that tagret before bed time!


  1. Thanks for sharing Caroline. I don't have two "little" ones to distract me (mine are big but still as distracting) but I really like the idea of loading up photos and using them as you need. I think I have been blogging the long way round. Great series Julie how about housework as your next topic cos I seem to be struggling with that as well lol,

  2. You have inspired me to actually take my camera out with me more over Easter..sometimes I feel I'm still stuck in the bad old days of having to save film for a special shot and I don't take as many photos as I should!

  3. just love what Caroline has to say! And I love that you are donating money to charity. So so very special. Bravo! When I wake up a bit more (its still early here in southern California) I will look at the charity and donate! such loveliness. Can't wait to look around at your blog a bit more. xo

  4. Lovely to read about your process, Caroline, and I like the idea of doing little bits and pieces when you can - that just fits with my life, as there are rarely chunks of time available, and I'd feel less panicky if a post was already underway when I finally got to it. Thank you!

  5. I enjoyed your sharing, Caroline. Your approach seems so sensible - I always plan big ideas in my head, get overwhelmed or have lack of time, so end up doing nothing! I take more photos than I know what to do with, so I might just try your approach. I love your photo style, especially the puddle reflection.
    I also liked your comments about being authentic Julie, it resonated with a post I am in the process of writing. Loving this Blogging series, thought provoking and giving me time to reflect. Thank you. I will be donating!

  6. Hi Caroline, I just popped over from your blog. This looks like an interesting project. I always admire your photography, one day I would like to get a better camera and learn how to use it! Heather x

  7. That is a really sensible way of blogging. I take a good number of photos but don't always mange to get them off the camera or edited in the way I like to edit them - but I could easily find the time to get the post ready for when the photos are ready to just slip in. I also made a not that you don't necessarily need a lot of words! This is my big failing, I use too many words!

  8. I think photos are a massive part of why I scrapbook - it's the eye-catching or memory-provoking ones that I use. I could probably use this in my blog! Thanks Caroline, and thanks Julie for introducing me to a new blog!


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.