Sunday 3 January 2010

One word; 365 possibilities ... at least

Have you joined in with the 'word of the year' idea at all? On and off throughout 08 and 09 I've meddled around with the ideas of 'Yes' and 'Yellow' as focal words, but I've not definitively declared one as my 'Word of the Year' ...until now.

My word of 2010 is: pattern. Allow me to elaborate ...

I like patterns. You might have gathered that by now. If not, my blog header ^^^^ up there is a good indication. I'm a colour-lover too and what better way to wear / scrap / decorate with several colours at once than to combine them all together in a floral / graphic / stripey / checked / retro pattern or two. I'm really quite addicted and I've got plans to reveal the extent of that addiction to you.

My grand scheme is to share 365 patterns with you this year by photographing the patterns I find in my little world. This will be mainly patterns on my clothes [my side of the wardrobe has been described as 'an explosion in a pattern factory' before now. It will also include photos of the patterns on the clothes of anyone who catches my eye and who I can get near enough to, patterns in my home and patterns in my scrapping products, patterns in .... you get the idea. The next step will be my uploading them to my Flickr gallery for your viewing pleasure and my mad desire to see them all in one place ... I suspect that the 'set' I am homing them in will at some pooint in the coming year, find itself arranged in colour order. Just a feeling I'm getting ....

Unlike some of the other '365' photo projects out there, I'm not going to be photographing one pattern per day, but I do aim to upload photos roughly once a week / fortnight with the aim of having 365 photos in my '365: Chasing Patterns 2010' set by the end of the year.

Before I began photographing them this week, it did cross my mind that I might not actually have that many different desgins to make the project last for a whole year ... poor deluded wretch that I am. It's now looking more likely that I'll have extend into 2011!

'Pattern' means some other, important, things to me this year too. Like creating a new pattern in my work/creative life, like repeating actions until I'm comfortable with the new tasks I want to take-on, like recognising themes amongst the many ideas for new ventures I have and then creating new habits of self-discipline to help me achieve in them.

But for now, let's get back to the pretties ... the first 7 patterns are in my gallery now and while I do have some especially colourful treats for you in the coming months - I've chosen some monotone designs to ease you in gently!

If you want to play along with me and this pattern-sharing idea in any way, shape or form I'd love to hear from you. At any point in the year I'd love to recieve links to any patterns you've photographed, scrapped, designed etc. If there's enough interest I could always create a Flickr group to house our combined hoard of decorative delights.

Go. Look at patterns. Seek out your own. [I won't be held responsible for any pseudo-hallucinatory effects they may have on you though].

J :)


  1. Looking forward to spotting these patterns when we meet up

  2. Love this idea, lots of fun coming up! Just today I bought two funky patterned bits of vintage fabric from a charity shop - will definitely photograph for my blog.. and your flickr group if you do start one!

    PS thanks for your lovely comment on my blog yesterday, much appreciated it!

  3. What a great idea! Can't wait to see all the fun pics!

  4. such an inspired and creative endeavor! i can't wait to see more!

  5. Clever idea, lady, and thinking I may join you for a week at some point - maybe even longer. Until then, am more than happy to be admiring from afar(ish). Please tell me that flower print is a girly skirt? So gorgeous!

    I picked up one of the Repro Depot print books just before Christmas (, which has lots of scope - patterns on demand! - and am hoping to snag the other for my birthday.

    Also, did you spot this heady collection of free patterns for Twitter backgrounds on How About Orange earlier in the week ( Also marvellous, and thoroughly appropriate.

    Hurrah for colour + pattern all year long. :)

  6. Happy 2010 Julie-I'm looking forward to seeing your pattern collection over the year.

  7. I look forward to pattern spotting with you :)

  8. what an amazing blog and such a fun idea - I'm so looking forwarding to seeing all your fabric patterns.

  9. this is going to be fun, fun, fun.


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