Wednesday 22 June 2011

Art Journal Challenge Week 19: Lists


Lists were the topic for Week 19 [UKStampers challenge] and unlike yesterday's post where I couldn't really claim to be a 'Domestic Goddess' ... today I can state loud and proud that I am one of life's list-makers:
I make lots of lists, but they're mainly the 'To Do' type as I'm not so great on 'Top 5' / favourite type [too much pressure!]. And many of them do indeed get written down in the ever expanding notebook collection:

And I suppose that when I blog My Month in Numbers each month, that's another form of list [with plenty of rambling going on in there too!].

I make more lists when I'm at work [at the day / term time job] including making them for my student. Some days his To Do included items such as: 'Let Julie know what time we're meeting on Friday' ...  so it all came in useful for me as well as him!

Two of my favourite things about lists:
  1. getting everything out of my head and in in front of me in black and white, safe, concrete; and
  2. being able to tick things off when they're done!

I actually spotted something via Twitter a few weeks back where people were making 'Done' lists ... rather than 'To Do' as a way to feel better about what they'd achieved in a day instead of feeling guilty about what they hadn't!

I liked the sound of that, even though I think it was mainly parents doing it, because I must admit, I have been known to start a list with something I've already finished ... just for the satisfaction of crossing it off!

Don't try to tell me you haven't done the same ...
About the page:
  1. I don't much like it! It started off OK, then went wrong and even my philosophy of 'just keep adding stuff until it looks good' failed me this time!
  2. The arrow stamps are by Studio G;
  3. The alpha stamps are Banana Frog;
  4. The doodle border stamp is by Papermania;
  5. The rub ons are 7Gypsies;
  6. The smudges are all my fault. One day I'll remember to NOT spatter wet ink over journaling I've just written with a water soluble pen!
OK then, I'll leave you to the rest of your day:
  1. I'll probably be back tomorrow with my response to the 'Food' prompt - I'm just the 6 weeks behind now;
  2. Thanks for your great comments on my recent deluge of journal pages!
  3. Thanks to those who've been pinning my work on Pinterest too - it makes me all coy and smiley when I see that!
Julie :-)


  1. Great journal page it made me smile this morning and you're right there is definitely satisfaction in ticking something done off a list.

  2. Guilty as charged on the writing of and ticking off an already completed item! Your post has made me smile. Blessed indeed are the listmakers, for without them nothing would ever get done.

  3. Hey, Julie! Your lists on this blog post about lists made me chuckle a really ARE a list-maker, aren't you?!:-) :-) I too tend to make lists, and I also feel the same way you do about crossing off items once I've finished them; there's nothing that feels better than that sense of accomplishment from gettin' 'er done!


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