Thursday 5 July 2012

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt: Pt1

Hello. I'm back.

I'm going to pretend you missed me, if that's OK with you? Good ... let's move on ...

This year I thought it might be a fun to join in with the 'Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt' hosted by Rinda Ontiveros over at Gallo Organico.

So, all the while I've been away in Lincoln, I've been making a start at snapping some of the 21 categories of photo from Rinda's list.  I've got the full list in my sidebar [over there somewhere >>>] if you're interested ... and you can check out the full details on Rinda's blog post here.

Here's what I've found so far:

6. A historical landmark:
This is James climbing Steep Hill in Lincoln [go on ... ask me how it got it's name ... ].

Apparently it's a Roman roadway so I'm pretty sure that makes it a historical landmark.

As usual we stayed in a guesthouse at the top end of town and, as usual, the decison whether or not to wear heels or flats when going out for a meal was based purely on whether I'd have to scale the hill to reach the restaurant.

Because, while I like nice shoes ... I like un-broken ankles and teeth even more.

7. A person playing a musical instrument
Bagpipers, RAF Waddington Airshow.

8. A person dressed as an angel or a statue of an angel:
High, high up on top of Lincoln Cathedral.

And from the sublime to ...

11. A shadow:
James and I projected on to the ground at the Airshow.

And, in case you're wondering ... that oddly and questionably shaped 'thing' in between us is his ... camera. Obvs.

17. A church, chapel, cathedral, mosque or temple:
Inside Lincoln Cathedral.

Despite being non-church-goers we thoroughly enjoyed listening to the music from the service being conducted in another part of the building. James said it was like when we listen to Radio 3 ... only real ...
It was very restful.

19. An outdoor stairway:
By looking at the angle of the road you might have already guessed that this is also on Steep Hill!

21. A picture of you standing with something that symbolizes your nation:
Me and a particularly large Royal Air Force plane.

 [Yes, clearly I don't know what specific type of plane this is but I can definitely say that it's 'large' because it is and I can confidently say it's an RAF plane ... because it says so in big letters on the side.]

If you remember any of my previous post Airshow posts [such as this or this] you'll know I'm not actually into planes myself but rather that I go to the Airshow:
  • to keep James company;
  • to collect what I call 'Girl Points' i.e: goodwill which I can cash-in later, like when I want him to take me to a papercraft show ... ;-)
  • to eat junk food. It was a bacon + sausage sandwich followed by a Mr.Whippy ice-cream this year [although, to be fair, I don't really need an excuse to eat junk food.]
  • to listen-in to conversations and take photos of funny things I find [I'll share these soon];
  • and to people-watch. And those 'people' sometimes includes pilots in snug uniforms ...
I think I'm going to enjoy collecting as many of the Scavenger Hunt photos as possible as it's nice to have a bit of challenge and a bit of structure to the randomness of life! And who doesn't like crossing things off a list?

And if nothing else it's already resulted in some noteworthy moments, such as ...

... when I missed the chance to capture a shot of #10: A Horse because James couldn't get the camera out of his bag in time before it trotted off.

So, the next time we were in the same spot I found myself walking through a 14th Century Exchequer Gate [in the Cathedral quarter] stridently declaring: "If there's a horse around this corner ... you'd better be ready!!".

Ahhh .... memories are made of this ...  

See you soon.

Julie :-)


  1. It's a pretty good start...even if you did miss the horse!!

  2. sounds like a great weekend - people watching and listening, crossing things off lists and Mr Wippy ice-cream!

  3. Bravo! Looks like you had a great time and managed to cross off quite a few items on the list :) I will be playing too :)

  4. Girl points and junk food are a great combo!

  5. I love those outdoor steps. Great photos, and good to could collect so many of the scavenger hunt list while in Lincoln.
    And yes, I am taking part but not posted any as yet. Looking forward to seeing more as you post them.

  6. Is it me or are kilts getting shorter these days????

  7. Welcome back! Good to see you! Lovely places, wise girl points, great shots.
    You know I have to ask ... how did the Hill get its´s name? ;) Lol!

  8. great start to the scavenger hunt.

  9. There is something about men in skirts... and men in snug uniforms... great start to the Scavenger Hunt!

  10. It's really good to see you joining in with this - there's something very addictive about it!


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