Monday 14 October 2013

Scrapbooking: using postage stamps as an embellishment

Hello there.

That bedraggled creature with a windswept hair poking out beneath a hood and with damp trouser hems? That's me after my little walk this morning. In the wind and rain. How about you?  I hope things are drier and calmer where you are today.

[Whatever the weather don't forget you can join in with any weather-related number moment for this month's Communal Count - all the details are here.]

But, while I dry off  by a radiator, let me launch into the 5th, and penultimate, week of Going Postal 2013 with some scrapbooking ...

Although pre-made, bought, shiny + new embellishments are great ... and although I use plenty of them in my paper-crafting ... I really do like to mix them into my projects along with some more 'real' bits and bobs. You know the sort of thing:
  • Ephemera;
  • Originals;
  • One of a kind once-it's-stuck-down-it's-gone type elements.
Like old postage stamps.

[Hey after 4 weeks of Going Postal you knew that that's where this was going didn't you? At least I didn't let you down!]

And that's precisely what I did here; threaded a random - but colour-coordinated - selection of old postage stamps throughout an otherwise modern layout:
A mix of eclectic stamps can easily add colour, texture and interest to a layout which you can treat just as you would any other colourful sticker or die-cut etc.

Also, as this layout about yarn-bombing demonstrates, postage stamps don't only work on travel or correspondence themed pages either:
And each individual theme or image featured on a stamps doesn't need to match your photos, which is just as well ... because I've not found a yarn-bombing stamp ... yet ...

Just treat them as you would any other colourful embellishment in your supplies [and goodness knows some of those commercial scrapbooking sticker sheets have some weird sentiments and images on them that don't particularly go with anything ... but they still get used!].

Just group them together on your layouts or sneak them in anywhere you would a regular paper layer:
 ... and let a random collection of stamps elevate a flat page into something a little bit different! [Which, to be honest, is the Holy Grail of my crafting endeavours!]

Julie :-)
There's been an influx of fabulously varied posty-posts being shared across BlogWorld in the last week or so, so ... if you haven't already visited the Going Postal board where they're all saved, take a minute or two when you get time. [Just click on the image you want to learn more about until you're taken across to the original post].
Then ...

If you join in with a posty post of your own:
  • let your readers know you're Going Postal [a few words of introduction is fine];
  • link up to my blog or the Going Postal Pinterest board where I'll be saving your post.
  • then - if you use Pinterest please consider pinning it to one of your own boards, link me up, and I'll 're-pin' it.
  • but - if you DON'T use Pinterest drop by here or my Facebook page and leave a link to your postal-themed project or story before Oct 27th and I'll add you to the board for all to share your contribution.
  • The Going Postal Pinterest board has close to 800 followers ... so this could be a fun way to get your blog seen by some new eyes!
Any problems or questions - just get in touch. :-) 


  1. Okay, so I walked to the Post Office in glorious sunshine this morning..that was good. When I got there I discovered it was closed for refurbishment..that was bad. Now I'm thinking maybe there's a page in that? Could be good again.

    Your projects are always so lovely..

  2. These are lovely - I think I am going to have to start poking around in little shops for some packets of 'em! Putting them in a row is so effective ...

  3. the row of colours looks good! a great page x


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.