Tuesday 29 March 2011

Card: The World's Greatest Performing Monkeys


Welcome to Week 2 of my break! In order to keep myself out of all kinds of mischief, I've been crafting ... and here's a card I made featuring performing monkeys ... obviously:
The poster of Signorita Galetti and her Troupe of the World's Greatest PerformingMonkeys was simply printed from the Vintage Theatre and Circus Image CD from 3DJean.

It's it's my day to post for the Scattered Scarlet Design Team blog today. You can see another card over on their blog today too.

Both cards were put together [like so many projects recently] using 'bits' from the great bag of bits I hoard ... I'm much more of a skip-rat than a refined shopper these days. All of which basically means that I'm far more inspired by left-overs, other people's scraps and found items than I am brand new, fully co-ordinating single-brand kits. And that's all well and good ... except ...

Except the only problem with using bits and leftovers is ... that no matter how hard I try ... they never run out. I can never use them up. They don't go anywhere.

Because the fact of the matter is ... once you've cut into a 'bit' [foolishly thinking you're on your way to putting it to full-use] ...if you don't use every last square centimetre of it on your current project ... rather than get rid of it you've actuallly just made in into two bits!!!!

You've doubled the original bit-count.

Cloned it.

And you're left with another bit to find a use for!

'Bits' are like the Japanese Knotweed of the craft realm. If you don't get rid of it all in one go ... it multiplies. Or else they're like The Terminator.

Unstoppable. Can't knock 'em down ... but even if you do ... you can't keep them down!

All you can do is make another card with them ...

... and then maybe another:

So ... I would ask you about your experiences of 'bits' ... but frankly I'm afraid you might get the wrong idea!

Anywhooo ... if you do get chance to visit my post on the 3DJean blog, my post is here.

And for those of you who fancy joining me in a Month in Numbers post:
  • I'm on track to post mine this Thursday [March 31st];
  • I'll happily include a link to your post in mine - or edit mine afterwards to fit you in;
  • Send me your links via a comment or an email.
Also ...
  • I've made a button/badge thingy to adorn your sidebar ... if you so wish!
  • So, if you're viewing this in a reader - make sure to hop out for a minute so you can grab the code.
And that's me for today. Off to scavenge for lunch ... I'm torn between an avocado salad and ... chips



  1. Julie, I think you are great, but sharing my bits? Sorry, that's a step too far :) :)

    I do like your performing monkeys though. I was hunting out a picture of me holding a monkey this morning. It has a knitted hat on.

  2. Oh Sian there's *nothing* about that photo I don't want to see!!

  3. Advocado salad or chips! no brainer
    Fab cards love those distressed edges

  4. Love your female drummer - but where's the drum? Nice feet though! Like your button - might just join you! Bits? if there's smaller than an inch square, into the fire they go. No mercy!


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.