Tuesday 15 March 2011

Overheard: Yeah, I heard that rumour.

Hi, hi, hi.

Not that I'm thinking of turning this into a scientific study or anything but ... I swear I used to overhear far more [and far funnier] snippents of student conversation when I used to sit at the back of lecture theatres! Currently I have to sit at the front and you just don't get the same level of disclosure down there so close to the lecturers!

So, like today's offering, my best overheard fodder these days comes from places other than lecture rooms. Like the computer labs a few weeks back ...

Two male students were working on computers next to one another. [I say 'working' ... but judging by their conversation I doubt there was much of that occurring].

  • The scene: Student 1 was debating whether or not to send a Facebook friend request to someone and was looking through their 'mutual friends' list before he decided.

Student 1 to Student 2: Oh. He's friends with my pregnant friend. [Pause]

But then ... she's friends with everyone.

I'm not sure if he meant it how it sounded or if indeed he was well aware of his Groucho Marx / Noel Coward style witticism.

Not being able to interupt and ask someone to clarify precisely what they meant is one of the downsides of listening in to conversations ...

Have a great day, keep your eyes and ears open ... you just never know.

Julie :-)

Image taken from the Vintage Theatre & Circus CD from 3DJean.


  1. Hello fellow insomniac! What's great about your snippets is the fact that, working in a university, I can easily imagine them happening where I work too.

    May I also suggest the canteens as useful places for a little bit of 'gegging in'?

  2. Yes - at one time I'd probably have gone and sat in a quiet corner of the cafe ... but you can't hear anything over there! I now sit near the action!

    p.s: post was scheduled - but I'm glad it entertained you while I was asleep :-)


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