Friday 18 March 2011

A few more 'Freaky Friends'

Don't be alarmed, but I'm saying 'Hello' today through a grin.

I'm smiling because:
  • It's Friday;
  • The sun's shining for the first time all week;
  • I'm about to put a special, specially commissioned, journal in the post;
  • I'll be listening to my new Jonsi CD in the car on the way to work today [which should compliment that sunshine perfectly] and ...
  • It's sunny out there!!! Or did I mention that already?
The golden rays have even sneaked into the photos I've taken of the latest odd characters to grace the pages of my tag journal:

And, even thought the weather is indeed finally warming up ... this poor lady has taken this particular fashion advice a little too far:

And as for this chap ... well he got tired of climbing up and down those mountains so he sprouted his own wings:

He was cut from a leaflet for a Denver national park that Effie was throwing away at a crop. And as a longtime fan of the humble goat [I guess it's a Capricorn thing ... and the fact I like clambering!] I took pity on him and brought him home with me.

[If you missed the overview of how I decorated the tag backgrounds you can catch up on that here. And the other pages in this journal can be found in here.]

As for the 'create soft fuzz and encourage flyaways' phrase ... I think that came from a magazine feature on hair but can just as readily be used as a life philosophy I think!

Oh and ... while we're on the topic of soft fuzziness and friends [freaky or otherwise ...] I just want to grab this chance to say thank you for the steady stream of comments that you leave here for me .

That you take a moment to pause and type something to let me know I'm not whistling into the wind means a lot. So thanks. Really.

Right then, I hope the sunshine's reached your corner or the globe today. And if it has ... just be careful of how far you push up those sleeves now, won't you?

J x


  1. That girl needs a slanket! Love the little snippets "create soft fuzz" has got me thinking.... on what am I to create a soft fuzz on and indeed what is a soft fuzz?
    Great pages as always a delight to read.

    PS verification word got me chuckling belli

  2. Is piddling down here. Almost didn't comment out of protest - but I loved your flyaway goat so much how could I not? *g*

  3. Sleeves? What bloody sleeves?

  4. Besides, I thought people in your part of the country were known for not wearing many clothes! :)

  5. Glorious stuff - you made me grin too! Love your goat and the hair snippet is perfect. Off to read up more about those tags. Did anyone ever tell you how creative you are?

  6. I hope the sun shone all day on Friday!
    Love the tags - you have such a creative imagination & create such clever "takes" on life!
    That poor lady looks a little bit chilly - perhaps I should lend her a cardi?
    Love the goat with his green wings... he looks a bit surprised though; of course that could be the advice panel about soft fuzz and flyaways - I'm sure he wonders if it really applies to himself!
    If it applies to me, I'm happy... my hair has a distinct "flyaway" habit these days!
    Great tags - I must go and look that the album!
    (by the way, the word verification is "pressme"... a bit Alice-gets-in-the-elevator...)


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.