Tuesday 15 May 2012

Going Postal 2012: Unmissable Docrafts giveaway!

Hi, hi, hi.

[NOTE: This competition is now closed - thank you to all 48 who entered].
I think you're going to like what I've got for you today!

To celebrate the return of Going Postal my friends at docrafts are offering one of you the chance to win a bumper selection of supplies from the Papermania 'Portobello Road' range [which contains ots of postal themed imagery].

 In fact, they're offering one of you the chance to win everything you can see here:
 This includes:
  • rubber stamps;
  • 12x12 patterned papers;
  • die-cuts;
  • cardstock stickers;
  • embossing folders;
  • bows, buttons ... and a co-ordinating bag to carry it all in!
If you'd like to see any of the products in closer detail you can visit the 'Portobello Road' range on the docrafts site here.

I've used the Portobello Road range quite often in recent months on projects for docrafts' Creativity Magazine so I thought I'd share this card to show you a snippet of one of the paper designs and how nicely the stamps stamp:

So, what do you think? Fancy having a pile of Portobello Road arriving on your doorstep next week? OK then ...

  • Leave me a comment below this post finishing-off this sentence:
  • "One of the most memorable things I received in the post was ... "
It could be anything - maybe a letter bearing good news; an exciting invitation; a declaration of love or a random gift ... I'd love to hear about it.

Last time round I asked about those people you'd like to send letters to ... and between you you had me laughing and crying, so I can't wait to see what you've got for me this time!

If you enter:
  • Make sure that when you leave your comment you are either logged into an account I can click through to - to get in touch with you if you win - OR leave your email address / Twitter name / blog address in the comment.
  • 3pm [UK time] Sunday 20th May 2012;
  • One winner will be selected using a random number generator;
  • I will blog the winning name and attempt to get in touch with the lucky winner ASAP afterwards.

Right then, all that's left to do is say a huge THANK YOU to Docrafts [especially to Katy] and to wish you all the best of luck!

Now, go forth and finish that sentence ...

Julie :-)


  1. I've had lots of memorable things from surprise inheritence cheques to letters from long lost friends. However recently my Mum and Dad stayed with us at Easter. A few days later a little parcel arrived and inside it was one of my small square drinks coasters. Some how my Mum had managed to pack it and take it home with her and was returning it to it's rightful home lol!

  2. ....a letter from my little girl- they'd been talking about the Post Office at school and she in turn had been telling her Grandma about it. Together they wrote a letter and sent it to Mommy in the post. Made me cry!

    Lisa Sparkle :)

  3. Oh this is a lovely set, and I can instantly remember my favourite missive.
    When I was small, I received a letter from a kindly American gentleman whom I'd been convinced was Father Christmas because of his long white beard (my mum was cutting his hair at the time). He played along nicely with my imaginings (who could argue with a small, curly-haired blonde 4 year old ;) ), and wrote me a letter when he returned home, entreating me to keep our meeting a secret so as not to upset all the other boys and girls he'd not managed to meet on his secret visit to Bangor, North Wales. Because of this letter, I was wholeheartedly convinced of his existence right up until I was 11. What a man!

  4. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was a card from my Nan who is 92 on Valentine's Day with some money to treat myself. I am a single mum and don't usually receive anything on Valentine's Day. it made me cry!
    I love this collection and need to restock my supplies!

  5. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was a Fortnum and Mason Hamper which I won unknowingly in a competition at work! Good times ;) I practically ate the brandy butter out of the jar with a spoon. Even the ribbon was exquisite and it gave me a bunch of inspiration for home made hampers which i've gifted my family with for years now xxx

  6. It was a hairbrush from my Grandmother's cousin Robbo. I was only about 9 or something, and every year Robbo, who was a widower and an elderly man, would go to all the trouble of choosing presents for each family member, wrapping them and posting them off. It still moves me to think of it. Robbo was obviously someone who had a lot of time for other people. When my grandmother was younger she was forbidden from associating with her future husband, and Robbo used to take a ladder round to her house and put it up to her bedroom window so that she could escape and meet my grandfather!

  7. I have had many an odd item arrive through the mail, but one of the most memorable was a piece of cake - sent to me by my dad.

    I'd spent an evening on the telephone talking to him about missing home while I was away at university and he thought it would cheer me up a little.

    Even though it was a little bit squished when it arrived, it certainly made me smile.

    Thanks for reminding me of that memory x

  8. I got a care package once from a friend...homemade cookies and a few little things with a special note...it was like getting a hug in the mail. :)

  9. A huge wall map all the way from my Aunt in Florida. It even came in a huge black plastic posting tube (which I still have). I put it on my bedroom wall and marked where all my family lived.

  10. The most memorable thing I've received in the post were 2 Moonwalk Marathon medals. Without me knowing my husband had organised with the charity to replace the medals I'd received that had got damaged in our house fire. making sad & happy all at the same time x

  11. WOW, I'm an American crafter in love with anything British. I am in complete love with this collection.
    One of the coolest things I've received in the post was getting my preview copy of a magazine I had been published in.


  12. ... a hand-embroidered gold-work design, stitched in gold and white on red silk, from my dear Auntie Kate. I wasn't very well that spring and had been sitting in my bed feeling sorry for myself, a bit lonesome and quite depressed. The doorbell rang and I went to the door (in my dressing gown), then took the package back to bed.
    When I opened it, I burst into tears. Because I knew how much work she'd put into that gift. And I knew she loved me.
    Which made all the difference in the world.
    I'm sure it helped me get better... And the picture is now on our sitting room wall. I will keep it always.

  13. The most memorable thing I received in the post was my brand new roller skates for roller derby! I remember both the time I received my first pair and the upgraded pair I received a year later after my roommate's cats peed inside the boot of the first pair.

    twitter: @yeoldefort

  14. "One of the most memorable things I received in the post was ... "
    some Happy Mail from a fellow blogger, you e-mail her to say you want to take part and she radomly selects a couple of people each month to receive a surprise package! I've also received a coccyx cushion from a friend after enquiring if she could get hold of one!

  15. What a fun collection ... just in time for post Jubilee scrapping; way to go Do Crafts!

    One of the most memorable things I received in the post was ... letters I sent to my father when I was about 8 or 9. My parents were divorced when I was 7 and I would write to my father regularly as I only stayed with him once or twice a year. The relationship was always a bit strained and he was old school so was not a good sharer or feelings! So it was quite a revelation to receive these 40 year old letters after his death.

  16. When I was at college my Mum used to write to me every week and send the local paper! I say write - she used to type them in her lunch hour. In the loft I have a whole box of letters and cards I received when at college - sometimes I sit there a while reading them and they bring a smile to my face. I expect when my daughters go away it will be all email and texts!

  17. I really used to treasure my postcards and letters from my pen pal Jason in Hong Kong - he had the best Garfield and Hello Kitty stationary.

  18. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was a pink crocheted afghan from my great grandmother, celebrating my upcoming high school graduation. She passed away a few months later, but I still have that afghan 10 years later.

  19. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was ... a letter from an ex-boyfriend I'd had a painful split from, saying what a plonker he'd been. Unfortunately for him I was away visiting a friend in Hong Kong so my flat mate pinned it to the cork board and I opened it a couple of weeks later when I got back. It was a good letter. It must have been because 13 years later that ex is sitting opposite me on the other sofa and we've been married for 8 years!

  20. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was... Some glass beads I made myself when I had a Birthday treat from my sister-in-law. I had made the beads about six months previously and so they were a big happy surprise when they came (finally). It brought back all the enjoyment of making beads from glass for the first (and only) time.

  21. "One of the most memorable things I received in the post was ... " a parking ticket! The reason it was so memorable was that it is free parking in the car park but only for 3 hours and I had spent all that time in the January sales in Hobbycraft!! They let me off when I sent them a copy of my till receipt that was about 3 feet long lol!! This was a while ago now and I am a bit more aware of how much time I spend now.
    Thanks for the chance to win all these gorgeous goodies xxx

  22. One of the most memorable things i have had in the post was a set of cards from my dear old nan. i had moved out and was living on my own, i commented to my nan that I was a little upset at the lack of mail. she sent me a set of cards with naked men on them and said well you wanted mail.male didnt you!!!!

  23. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was ... a letter offering me a brand new house on the day I had just signed a year tenancy on a different property arrrrrggggh!!

  24. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was ... a book with my card published in it :D My one and only publication so far!

  25. My most memorable things... the letters I received from my English boyfriend at the time. As calling was way to expensive, we wrote each other endless letters and put the most beautiful stamps on the envelopes.

  26. wow that stash looks just super!
    I've received quite a few memorable things in the post. Among them, my first giveaway win ever! ( two jelly rolls - yummy!) and letters and cassettes (with lots of talking!) from family and friends when I first went halfway across the world to university.

    liberalsprinkles at gmail dot com

  27. "One of the most memorable things I received in the post was ... " a deep fat fryer with Roses inside. The fryer arrived all the way from my Great Aunty Peggy in Outlon Broad to a chalet I was living in as a student at Stirling University. I had written her a letter the week before regaling her with a story of how I had bought some scampi (scampi is a running joke in my family as it's all I ever ate as a child when when ate out) to cook at home but hadn't realised it was deep fry only (and I didn't and wasn't even allowed a deep fat fryer in university accomodation). The next thing I know my flatmate and I are opening a parcel comtaining a tiny little fryer that had been my aunts complete with chocolate inside :) Thanks for reminding me of this story - my great aunt was one in a million :) x

  28. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was ... a week old kipper!!!! Yes you heard me right a week old kipper. We had a friend who was a bit of a practical joker and was always threatening to send me a kipper in the post when I was on holiday so that it would be at least a week old when I got home. It was a Saturday morning and on hearing the post arrive I made Mr P get up and collect it so that I could open it in bed. oooh how exciting there was this interesting parcel all done up in brown paper, I pounced on that one first as I love unwrapping parcels. After a quick squeeze as I love to try and guess what is inside I started unwrapping, when I noticed a little grease spot on the brown paper. That grease spot set off alarm bells and I leaped out of bed and ran to the kitchen to open the parcel. Yes it was my kipper in the post!!!!! And yes it was not fresh and after a couple of days in the postal system in a plastic bag was a little worse for wear - needless to say it went straight out to the dustbin. We still laugh about it now but what a shame I wasn't a scrapbooker back in 1993 because I would have taken photographs of my kipper before he went in the bin!! Thinking about it I should still do a page about my kippper in the post, I could always use a photograph of the friend instead!!

  29. OWHH This is F A B U L O U S :D

    I wrote 5 years with a friend of my, every month I was so glad to see her little letter in my post! This was the most beautiful memory.


  30. What a lovely giveaway, the most meorable thing I have ever received in the post was my final divorce papers which my ex had signed on the date of our daughters 16th birthday - which saved him paying a large fee for the divorce - cheers!! Lovely birthday pressie for my daughter lol

  31. Love love love the Portobello range!

    One of the most memorable things I received in the post was ...
    a blue peter badge!! Which I still have 18 years later.
    Our school was being closed & merged with another so there was lots of protesting going on etc. We were all told to write a letter to someone of importance to try & get there support. Everyone else was writing to MPs, local business people, the odd local celeb, I didnt want to inundate someone with our letters so refused to use any of the addresses & wrote to blue peter instead. I never expected a reply, let alone a badge!

  32. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was...
    A little badge from a friend with the Shakespeare quote "and though she be but little, she is fierce" with a card saying that it was meant to remind me of my inner strength and 'fun-sized' stature. I was going through quite a low phase at the time and that little gesture got me raring to go again. I still keep the badge pinned to my favorite jacket :)

  33. one of the most memorable things i recieved in the post was a hand made card from my grandaughter....saying i love you nanny it now has pride of place in a frame and i will treasure it forever as i do her
    hugs chrissy o

  34. One of the most memorable things ~I received in the post was...oh, there are so many...cupcakes, money we desperately needed sent anonymously, books, (several times, people know me well!) a scarf, a letter of encouragement, a book with a short story I had written published in it, a box of wool fibre, ... little things and big things and they all hold precious memories. I think it is when it is unexpected, unlooked for, and yet thoughtful and personal that it becomes so memorable and the size doesn't then matter.

    Love the giveaway, a great selection.

  35. "One of the most memorable things I received in the post was a letter from Ann and Stan who I met on a Dolls House Holiday. Stan had made me the most adorable set of miniature soldiers in a teeny tiny box for my dolls house.

  36. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was a letter from a friend who I had lost contact with. We had been friends at primary school and at age 8, she moved to Bristol. We wrote a few times and that tailed off until we were about 13 and she sent me a letter. We are still in contact now over 20 yrs later :)

  37. Ohh i have been looking at this collection for some time now :) fingers crossed!!

    the most memorable thing i received in the post was my engagement ring, complete with proposal from my husband! The ring is a family heirloom and was sent all the way from wales to me with dh's proposal tucked inside the little box.. the ring turned out to be far too big for me and as an antique couldnt be altered without risking damage, so i got another ring as well. I do wear it sometimes behind my wedding band although im always worried sick that i might lose one of the diamonds!

  38. "One of the most memorable things I received in the post was a photograph of my mother when she was 12-years-old. My aunt sent it to me after my mom died. It was memorable to receive it because I had never seen any photos of her as a girl. It's now framed and sitting on my dresser next to a beautiful portrait of her when she was 25. "

  39. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was a handmade card from my aunt. This was YEARS ago, long before the popularity of homemade cards and papercraft. She had cut out magazines and words relevant to me and put them into a beautiful 4 page card. It was so personal and thought out I will always treasure it.

  40. another fantastic giveaway Julie - I'm enjoying your posts.

    ummmm many a thing has dropped through my letterbox over the years....penpal letters, exam results (probably the most nerve racking), to a few days ago when i received a local magazine where the front cover was a photo i'd taken...(should i say that the editor is a friend of mine!....) still I was chuffed to bits...

  41. what a lovely prize !

    my item of post was a little box which arrived some time after my grandmother died - totally unexpected as she didn't have much to her name ............many years before we all sat and watched the world cup when England won - 1966 - I had admired her (very cheap) wristwatch which was bejewelled with paste coloured stones - it no longer worked but she had remembered that her little grand-daughter (me) had wanted that watch all those years before. I was 21 and married when I received it and sadly I do not know what happened to it, but I remember the day I received it so well as I sat and cried whilst I admired it again.

  42. A wonderful looking giveaway Julia!

    you know, I have the worse memory for stuff like this, but I would say the most memorable item I received in the mail, was while I was finishing my nursing degree in Guatemala. I missed my family back home and received a wonderful letter from my sister and brother in law. It really made my day!

  43. I've had a few memorable things in the post....though one of the most exciting was a letter telling me I'd won £1000 of real wood flooring....when we had the grottiest possible carpet tiles on the kitchen floor ....and no money to replace them!!!!

  44. Fab giveaway Julie, thanks for the chance to win. One thing I used to love to receive in the post was my teddy bear Snowy, when I was little my Nan lived in Burton on Trent & we used to go & stay for a week, then about half way down the M6 my parents would hear me sobbing "I've left Snowy" as soon as we got home I'd have to ring her & she used to post him back the next day wrapped in brown paper & string, he usually had a new knitted item of clothing too, I was always so glad to get him back as I couldn't sleep without him...infact I still sleep with my teddy bear, he's a comfy pillow :D
    C xx

  45. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was a birthday card from my mother...at 41 years old! First time she ever acknowledged my birthday!

  46. One of the most memorable things I received in the post was a birthday present from my in-laws. I love unusual unexpected presents and that year they sent me a bright pink boomerang.

  47. ... Was a letter telling me I'd won a holiday to Florida for 4, from What's On Tv magazine in 1999. It contained a cheque for£500! The prize included a villa, flights, car hire and insurance. We had such a brilliant holiday ... and I've still got that letter. Lindseylofty (twitter)

  48. Nuffink I only get bills (or so it seems ) :)

  49. I can't believe I missed this...I'm so sad :(


Thanks for leaving me a comment, asking me a question, sharing your own story or just randomly saying hello.